29g Bio-cube, my first salt water tank


Here are some pics of the start of my set-up. Everything cleared up pretty quick, people told me that it might take up to a day, but it took less than 2 hours.
I noticed that I started getting a lot of like micro-bubbles, is that bad? If so, how can I get rid of them?
30lb of sand
35lb of live rock
1 Koralia #1 power head
100 watt Rena heater in the 1st compartment
Bio-balls in the 2nd compartment
Sponge in the 3rd compartment(these last 2 will be replaced with chemi-pure, purigen and filter floss.
I really liked that bottom middle rock of how much purple it has, but the yellowish rock on the right seems to not go well there, so it might get replaced later on. I might buy a fake rock and have it become a live one after.
So what do you guys think? Any suggestions to make any kind of changes?


Active Member
Good start, but i would move the Korilia Head up a bit. Looks like its blowing the sand to front and back of tank on the right side


Originally Posted by mtbenino
I like the yellow rock, it gives some color the natural way.
You know, a friend of mine just said the exact same thing when she came over. I'm actually starting to like it now that's been in there a little longer.


Originally Posted by NaNo-NeWb1983
Good start, but i would move the Korilia Head up a bit. Looks like its blowing the sand to front and back of tank on the right side
It didn't seem to be blowing sand, but I moved it up a bit just to make sure. I might add a nano korilia today, any ideas as to where I should put it? Thanks!


Active Member
Great start Dzel. First, im going to start with saying that your avatar is just freak'n badass. That is a great shot of a lion.
Now that i got that out of the way, you have what looks to be an excellent start on your nano. I like your rock scape a lot, looks like there is a lot of room to place corals and lots of caves and hiding spots for your livestock.

The purple rock is cool, it is covered in coraline algae, which you probably know is a good type of algae. You will start to see this grow all over the rocks, even the yellow one in time. So if that yellow rock bothers you, dont worry about it because it will go through different shades of color as your tank matures.
I think your korailia is placed in a good spot, if you do decide to get another korailia, place in a spot where there isnt much flow. The whole idea is for your tank to not have any dead spots. You will find yourself adjusting the aim of the korailias quite often until you find that perfect setup for flow.
Have you begun testing your water parameters yet? Feel free to share your tests results and let us know how far you are in your cycle. We will be happy to help out. Good luck!!!


Hey Wisk, thanks! I LOVE lionfish and that avatar was so awesome. Once I buy a much bigger tank that's what I'm getting!
I still have a good 6-8" in the front of the LR for any other LR that I decide to add later, or just have different types of corals infront. There is a lot of cave space and space for my future corals. Corals is the main reason why I tried to place my LR that way. I am hoping that the yellow rock takes a different color in time.
I already noticed/found a dead spot in the bottom left back corner that I tested by putting some pellets in there just to see where they ended if my future fish didn't eat them, so I might put my nano koralia aiming there. I know that a CUC might get rid of them, but just trying to test every angle of it while it's still in it's cylce


Decided to take some pics because I can't seem to be able to fall asleep and I couldn't help but to stare at my tank for a good 30 min.
I added a fake rock on the top right because it's a good flat surface and will serve to add something more on top of it later on. Hopefully it'll catch up on something good and become LR.
And I didn't notice it until today, but apparently I have a snail!!!
He probably came with one of the LR and decided to come out today

Later on today I'll be making my first water quality test!
We'll see how I'm doing so far, although the Red Sea test kit that I bought seems a bit confusing...We'll see


lookin good! I love buying really established rock from my lfs, its freakin covered in that magical purple algae!
the one suggestion i would throw your way would be to get a second heater. i know i know i know your 100w is more than enough to heat your 29g, but i once heard that if you get 2 heaters at a lower wattage, its better because if one dies on you, then the other one can still keep the tank going, vs if your only heater dies on you and your temp goes way outta wack. its not necessary and doesnt happen to many people, but i wish someone would have told me that when i first got my tank going, because my heater did
crap out, and it was really cold one night, i woke up the next morning to find the water temp was like 55 degrees.
welcome to the boards!


Here are my first test result:
Sp: 1.22
pH: 8.0
Alk: 1.7 - 2.8 normal (I don't understand this one very well)
Ammonia: 0.145 (is this bad?)
Nitrite: 0
Nitrate: 20
I hope I'm doing well so far. Any suggestions?


Stock lighting is fine for most lps, soft and mushroom corals....
As for anemones i think not...


Active Member
Originally Posted by D-Dzel
Is the stock light of the 29 bio cube enough for anemones/corals or do I have to upgrade?
corals what type? for:
zoas, softies, lps (large polyp stony) hammers, frogspawn, candy etc yea. but if you wanna have sps (small polyp stony) like birds nest, montipora, millipora, acros etc you can get either Metal halides or T5s.


Originally Posted by cal559
Stock lighting is fine for most lps, soft and mushroom corals....
As for anemones i think not...
I'm thinking about adding some anemones later on =(
Originally Posted by nissan577

corals what type? for:
zoas, softies, lps (large polyp stony) hammers, frogspawn, candy etc yea. but if you wanna have sps (small polyp stony) like birds nest, montipora, millipora, acros etc you can get either Metal halides or T5s.
I also wanted to add some sps.
I think i will end up upgrading them. Now about choices; the T5's seem a bit more cheaper than the Metal halides is there any huge difference? Would a Sunpod be any better?
And which size bulb would I be getting for it to fit on the 29g bio cube?
Sorry for so many questions


I think the sunpod ain't that expensive that's the road i would take...just the 150w one is fine for any corals or anemones....


Just upgrade later down the road...
get your tank cycled add some mushrooms or a frogspawn(whatever your pc lights can handle) add a couple fish and by that time maybe you saved enough money for the lighting upgrade...lol


Active Member
Before I bought a tank, I too wanted an anemone and found out PC lights wouldnt cut it. I didnt want a sunpod either (because of an open tank and my cats). This didnt bother me too much when I found I could keep anemone-like corals such as torch and frogspawn under PCs. Look up those two corals because they look a lot like an anemone and that may satisfy you as it did for me.


Originally Posted by NaNo-NeWb1983
if you do decide to upgrade your lights get the sunpod, i got it and love it
I was looking at yours and it's an open tank, down the road I want to get some Firefish and Jawfish, but I've heard that these are jumpers. In this case, what could I do, just put some sort of mesh over the tank?
What do you guys think of the Nanocustoms 4.36 series upgrade kit? I think I might've seen someone here with it. Would it be enough for sps aswell? Would it be better than a sunpod as for light quality?