29g Bio-cube, my first salt water tank


Quick update. I just added a nice green/pink color bulb anemone to my bc along with a pair of true percula clowns. I wanted to get my hands on a pair of Picassos but they're a bit expensive

The 55g is cycled, everything spiked(that was supposed to) and it's been almost a bit over week since and every reading has been normal. I'm about to place an order for a Vortech mp20 wave maker for the 55g. It's pretty expensive ($300), but from what I've seen, very worth it. I might get my hands on a 48" sunpod so I'll be having an extra 20" MH, if anyone is interested in it PM me

Been really busy with work and school. The last one being more important since I'm about to decide my major, Marine biology and it'll make me way towards bio-Engineering from there. Of course the marine studies will be awesome with my new hobby

Will be posting pics as soon as I can!


Marine Science FTW!

Quick pic of the 55g and the bc coming up after I do some cleaning

Image here
It didn't let me upload the picture directly...
I decided that I'm going to build a canopy for it, just to give it a cleaner look with all my lights there.


Active Member
it looks great bud! i love it lots!
Marine Science!

What me and you and other MB will see!


YEEEESSSSS!!! I can't wait to start diving and learning more about all marine stuff. Can't wait to see thousands of fish swimming by me


Active Member
Foreal! lol i cant wait! i have a marine science in my class but i will Ace that class in a matter of seconds. i was reading the book and the book is like count the numbers 1, 2, 3! its so easy!
i should be teaching the class not the teacher! and what happened with the light?


Originally Posted by D-Dzel http:///forum/post/2915319
Guess what came in the mail today!?!?

Of course, it first had to be inspected by Jacko

Making sure cables were OK
I'll post new pics of it set up later today!

i love the rabbit, my rabbit "buster" just passed me and my wife miss him soooo much


An update on my nano was that I was forced to sell my 29bc. I lost my job a month ago due to the plant downsizing and they laid off about 30 of us, so I had to decide between my 29bc, 55g and 120 and I just kept my 55g for now. Later on I might be getting a nano again, but for now it's job hunting for me. I need to pay my bills and college

For now this is my 55g
Note: Since that video I added a Flame angel and a Black lace blenny. The tangs are in a larger happier tank with my brother, they we're temporary tenants in my tank while he came back from vacation


Originally Posted by NaNo-NeWb1983
that video is awesome dude, looking good.. what kind of lights you got on the 55gallon? you got a sump?
I got 150w sunpod on that. I want to upgrade later on to a 250w
I don't have a sump yet because my tank isn't drilled, but I might add an overflow box. I got a 10g tank that I might make it into a DIY sump. For now I have a fuge in the back with bags of chemi-pure, some for the Phos and filterfloss which I change every 3-4 days
Originally Posted by nissan577

really amazing man!

Thanks! I want to add sooo many more corals, that's not even close to where I want to be yet


Originally Posted by nissan577
what you gonna do with that sunpod? wanna sell it to me?
I'll definitely be selling it once I get the 250w. As soon as I can afford the 250, I'll let you know about it if you're still interested in it