I have an existing 29g fowlr setup that has been running for 6-years. 2-3 inch sand bed, 25lbs live rock, 2 maxi jet 600 PH's, an eclipse hood w/ carbon & bio-wheel. Top off w/ store bought RO water.
sg- 1.026
temp- 78
ph - 8.4
amm.- 0
nitrites- 0
nitrates- 5
The only inhabitant has been a clarkii clown, who has been in the tank for 5+ years.
Now that the kids are a bit older (5 and 8), both family time and interest in the tank has increased. So we have decided to re-commit and upgrade. Everyone is excited. I know it will be lots of work, lots of fun, and lots of satisfaction with an occasional disappointment mixed in.
I recall how valuable this forum was in getting the fowlr up and running successfully and the search function has again been a valuable tool as we researched the changeover. So I decided to attempt a thread to detail the new setup, the rough plan of attack, and progress. I'll try to keep it up w/ pics.
so here it goes.
Ordered, received, and put together a new stand. (the top of the existing was bubbled up and noticed the sides were not square.)
Ordered new equip:
AquaC Remora HOB w/ maxi-jet 1200
2 Koralia 550 gph PH's
24 inch Tek T5 4-light 96watt
2x Actinic White
2x Super Actinic
light bracket
Also got a 29g rubbermaid tub, clean 5g bucket, and a new digital timer w/ 2 outlets. Need to get a test kit for phosphate, cal, alk and mag. Any suggestions?
This weekend we plan to mix a fresh 5g and run a heater/PH for a day or so, then transfer the tank contents to tub, move the tank onto the new stand and then return everything with a 20% water change. Then setup the new PH's, skimmer, and lights. I have to modify the Tek brackets so the 24 inch light will rest on the 30 inch tank. Then it is on to acclimating the lights, dealing with algae outbreak / water changes / new parameter tests / new live rock curing, etc.
I'll fine tune that plan of attack and try to get some messy "before" pics up.
sg- 1.026
temp- 78
ph - 8.4
amm.- 0
nitrites- 0
nitrates- 5
The only inhabitant has been a clarkii clown, who has been in the tank for 5+ years.
Now that the kids are a bit older (5 and 8), both family time and interest in the tank has increased. So we have decided to re-commit and upgrade. Everyone is excited. I know it will be lots of work, lots of fun, and lots of satisfaction with an occasional disappointment mixed in.
I recall how valuable this forum was in getting the fowlr up and running successfully and the search function has again been a valuable tool as we researched the changeover. So I decided to attempt a thread to detail the new setup, the rough plan of attack, and progress. I'll try to keep it up w/ pics.
so here it goes.
Ordered, received, and put together a new stand. (the top of the existing was bubbled up and noticed the sides were not square.)
Ordered new equip:
AquaC Remora HOB w/ maxi-jet 1200
2 Koralia 550 gph PH's
24 inch Tek T5 4-light 96watt
2x Actinic White
2x Super Actinic
light bracket
Also got a 29g rubbermaid tub, clean 5g bucket, and a new digital timer w/ 2 outlets. Need to get a test kit for phosphate, cal, alk and mag. Any suggestions?
This weekend we plan to mix a fresh 5g and run a heater/PH for a day or so, then transfer the tank contents to tub, move the tank onto the new stand and then return everything with a 20% water change. Then setup the new PH's, skimmer, and lights. I have to modify the Tek brackets so the 24 inch light will rest on the 30 inch tank. Then it is on to acclimating the lights, dealing with algae outbreak / water changes / new parameter tests / new live rock curing, etc.
I'll fine tune that plan of attack and try to get some messy "before" pics up.