Active Member
Originally Posted by jdsr1970
one more question for Spanko.
I see you do not have any bioballs in your design. How does this work?
Once I took the bioballs and replace with rubble lr and was a complete disaster, all levels went off / dead fish. But strangely a mushroom, rose anemone and suncoral survived after reinstalling the bioballs.
My 0.02 on that topic is NEVER replace bio balls with LR , I did that on my 40gal and have never been more sorry!!! I am in the process of replacing the LR with bio balls. The bio balls have gotten a bad wrap , they are widely used here in the Chicago are , they even use them in some tanks at the Chicago Shedd Aquarium!!! Hey if they are good enough for them..... Like ANYTHING swf related there is going to be maintenance. Every 6mos or so , depending on you'r bio load , you remove the bio balls and shake off the debris in some sw and put them back, thats it! no nitrate prob. Google search bio balls and you will get a TON of info. I have a HOB wet/dry and let me tell you taking all that LR out to vacc. about 2inch of debris is NO FUN!! and my nitrates went up to 60 with the LR
It's now down about half and will soon be at zero , so PLEASE DONT PUT LR IN PLACE OF BIO BALLS
Spanko has a Mini fuge going so I think thats why his works ok ? Is that the deal Spanko?
one more question for Spanko.
I see you do not have any bioballs in your design. How does this work?
Once I took the bioballs and replace with rubble lr and was a complete disaster, all levels went off / dead fish. But strangely a mushroom, rose anemone and suncoral survived after reinstalling the bioballs.
My 0.02 on that topic is NEVER replace bio balls with LR , I did that on my 40gal and have never been more sorry!!! I am in the process of replacing the LR with bio balls. The bio balls have gotten a bad wrap , they are widely used here in the Chicago are , they even use them in some tanks at the Chicago Shedd Aquarium!!! Hey if they are good enough for them..... Like ANYTHING swf related there is going to be maintenance. Every 6mos or so , depending on you'r bio load , you remove the bio balls and shake off the debris in some sw and put them back, thats it! no nitrate prob. Google search bio balls and you will get a TON of info. I have a HOB wet/dry and let me tell you taking all that LR out to vacc. about 2inch of debris is NO FUN!! and my nitrates went up to 60 with the LR

Spanko has a Mini fuge going so I think thats why his works ok ? Is that the deal Spanko?