Thanks to everyone who is answering. My response is long. Am I to wordy?
About having 3 clowns in a tank. The person I bought it from said she bought the three all at the same time and they were all the same size. The two grew to about 3 inches and the third is about 2 inches. The big ones do push the little one away but they don't seam to want to kill it. My big problem is the sand dust every where and the algae.
Stats: PH 8.1
Trite 0
Trate 2
Ammonia 0
Alkalinity 4.5
Salinity 1.024
Other life in tank -- Small Sailfin Tang, Large Algae Blenny, Banngai Cardinal, Yellow Watchman Gobie, Pistol shrimp, 2 coral banded shrimp, 2 cleaner shrimp, 1 fire shrimp, 2 blue knuckle hermits, other little hermits, 8 -- 10 big snails, 1 feather duster, 3 toadstool leathers, lots of yellow polyps, red, blue and green mushrooms. Used to have a bunch of daisy looking little polyps but since the sand dust and algae covered them they are gone.
2 weeks ago I took out all the rocks that didn't have any animals on them - swished them in clean salt water to get most of the algae off and put them in a tub of salt water. I did the same to the rocks with animals on them. I drained off 20 gals of water. cleaned out the sump, the skimmer and all the powerheads. refilled the tank and sump with clean warm salt water. put back the rocks with animals and some of the other rocks.
The tank stayed clean for about 4 days and then the big clowns started flicking sand again. I forgot to say that they also move rocks around by head butting them. I tried putting in some small shells/rocks/coral chunks I bought at the LFS. The clowns moved the stuff out and flicked sand. I put in a very large, 7 inch diameter, kinda flat clam shell. they moved it out and flicked sand. About a week ago the algae started back. Every morning I brush the algae off everything by moving water with my hand. Every evening it is back.
If the cinnis had necks I would strangle them. I am ready to sell them or flush them. How do I make them stop!