After over a year of planning I have finally started purchasing the equipment for this project. The tank is made of starphire glass 96"Lx24"Wx30"T with an overflow on the right side and the returns are along the center of the tank. The sump is 72"x20"x24" and has three compartments. One 3 foot section for my snowflake eel, one 2 foot section for a refugium, and a 1 foot section filtration compartment. I have purchased my main circlation pump, Sequence Dart, and an AquaC Ev 400 skimmer. I sill need to purchase my Tunze wave box and I still need to figure out what kind of light fixture to get. Any suggestions on the lights or anything else? I was thinking of a sixfoot fixture with 2 400watt lamps and 2 250 watt lamps all HQI. I will post some pictures as soon as I can figure out how to shirnk my 3MB pictures to less the 1MB.