$3k Pair of Clownfish at my LFS!


Well I went to my LFS SW today and looked at a pair of pure black with white stripes clownfish. One is about 4 inches the other is about three, I am assuming that the bigger one is the male. There is not even a hint of orange on them. I was told (not by my LFS, the guy I talk to was not there) that they are only one of three stores in the US that have a pair of these fish. And that they run about $3,000. This whole thing could be false, I wont know until I talk to the owner of the LFS. But dang these are the best looking clowns I have ever seen! I was thinking of using this pair as my starter fish in my first SW tank........Well maybe not, but I would love to own a pair someday!!!! Can anyone tell me all the types of clowns there are, here is what I have came up with so far today.
True Perc
False Perc
Maroon (Gold and White Stripe)
Black Saddle Perc
Black and White
Common Clown
Pink Skunk
Orange Skunk
Sabae (same as Clarkii??)
Have I missed any?


Negative sir! The larger one is the female! :D The guy was probably right. Being mated adds up the dollars.
You missed about a hundred ;) Nah, but quite a few. Some aren't as popular in the aquarium trade, but are still clownfish :D
Sebaes aren't actually the same thing as clarkii, but they'll typically lump them together because it's easier. They look a bit alike, but when next to each other, it's easy to tell the difference.


Active Member
Black percula clowns are not common but, are available. A little more expensive but for $3000 bucks I would think you could get about 175 of em.


Active Member
yeah i was thinking of the same clown dave, those are teh only ones ove seen to be outrageously expensive (like 175-200) but for 3 grand, and 1 of 3 in the states...a little questionable!
good luck
Do they really think they're going to sell a pair of clownfish for $3k? Hope the tank they have them in is big enough to support adults...


That is quite disturbing that someone would try to unload clownfish at 3 grand. If thats the case I have a mated pair of false percs - if anyone has 2000 dollars to send me they're yours.
I have seen these "black and white" clown for sale online before and they are not too expensive. Wouldn't it be easier to buy to juviniles and try to let them pair up (its not that hard to get to young clown to pair up is it?)?


Probably tricinctus, but still way too much. A pair of yellowless tricinctus goes for around 1200.
Man, that's like 30x the cost of my tank. Do you think you can sneak a picture for us hehe? The ironic thing is they look very similar to Clarkii's, Sebae's.


your list of clowns is short and only describes "common" clowns. There are 28 recognized clown species.The reason why you know the clowns you list is that they are being commercially bred and widely distributed.
There are a number of rare and hard to breed clowns which have not filtered thru the hobby. The clown you describe sounds like A. Latezonatus and 3K sounds a little high, I've seem single fish go for about $300


Well I am going to get the skinny on these clowns. As I said before this is what I heard, and when I was in there last the owner was not there. So in the next couple of days I will be armed with questions and my digital camera, and hopefully I will get what everyone wants to hear and see!

bang guy

I have to chuckle....
We get into Saltwater because of all the beautiful colors and someone spends all their time breeding Black & White Perculas :rolleyes:
I gotta say I like my $15 "Black" True Perc much better because of the bright orange on the belly. And mine were tank bred :D

bang guy


Originally posted by daveatstupid
where'd you get your $15 black perc??

A fellow hobbiest in Buffalo, NY
It's not all black but it gets darker the older it gets.


My LFS hase black and white clown fish that look just like the ones in the picture on this post and they sell for about $25.00. I don't know if they are the same thing, but it looks just like them. He has them all the time. I couldn't imagine paying $3K for them!


Active Member
Even the Meta Tag on that pic says it is a black true perc. That fish better do some sort of "Michigan J. Frog" Vaudeville number for $3k!!!