4 inch hippo tang in 8 gallon tank

florida joe

Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by PEZenfuego
Never in all my years of scouting have I seen it called a code of conduct. But whatever.
My friend this is an exact quote from the Boy Scouts of America National council of America web site.
A Scout tells the truth. He keeps his promises. Honesty is part of his code of conduct. People can depend on him.


Active Member
heck i brought my hippo home in a 6 gallon bucket with 5 gallons of water it in. and that was for a 20 minute trip. and she hated every minute of it.


went by the ***** today. the tang was gone. i caught the guy i talked to previously and asked what happened, and he said it died, then he shrugged his shoulders and walked off.


Active Member
When you see a store mistreat fish, DO NOT BUY THE FISH!!!
Let them kill the fish, then they will be less likley to do it again. If you continue to play tang savior then you will only foster the attitude of stores to order more and repeat the proccess.
Not that a store would actually prey on people feeling bad for the poor little fish with no "open swimming room". But they see it in black and white. Tank has water and salt in it. Fish is a saltwater fish.
Put it on display and it sells! OOOOH order another and stick him in that tank. Or better yet order 10 more and use that as a display to peddle tangs from beaucese THEY SELL!


Originally Posted by meowzer
Is that number good for all of the U.S.?

Yeah, ***** is based in California, So those are west coast hours, but the phone number itself is nationwide, The employee Hotline however does change..
Sad to hear the little blue didn't make it..
Hopefully If it happens again this may be prevented, I'd actually suggest still calling in about it after the fact, Might be able to get a bit of pressure put on them.
Sadly ReefForBrains Is correct, Working at the store I've seen firsthand how this works...

coral keeper

Active Member
Originally Posted by ReefForBrains
When you see a store mistreat fish, DO NOT BUY THE FISH!!!
Let them kill the fish, then they will be less likley to do it again. If you continue to play tang savior then you will only foster the attitude of stores to order more and repeat the proccess.
Not that a store would actually prey on people feeling bad for the poor little fish with no "open swimming room". But they see it in black and white. Tank has water and salt in it. Fish is a saltwater fish.
Put it on display and it sells! OOOOH order another and stick him in that tank. Or better yet order 10 more and use that as a display to peddle tangs from beaucese THEY SELL!


Active Member
Originally Posted by joebob7
"Do a good turn daily!"
oh and, poor fish....
Both have valid points in this. I probably wouldn't have handled this very maturely. I would've told (more like yelled at) them what my intentions were to do with this fish...ie giving it away to a place that can take care of it. One thing good about being a 15 year old is, it's really embarrassing to get yelled at by one


I had an experience at a local p e t c o. The fish were all sick and diseased looking. Had ick and lymp all over them and malnurished looking. I went on there website and found a section where you could email about animal conditions at the local store. Got a call about 3 weeks later apologizing for the conditions and they would get right on it. Went back and things are looking better. Sometimes it pays to speak up!
Pet stores are not designed to hold fish in minimum requirement tanks. They do not intend for the fish to be there for more then a week or two before it is bought and placed in a proper tank. I find it hard to believe that your LFS, or any LFS, has all fish that require large tanks in 600 gallon setups, or even 100g setups. Almost every store I frequent has a 30g tank full of 25-30 juvenile clownfish. Is this an ideal setup for clownfish? No, but it is not the intention to have them long term. They typically have maybe 55g tanks setup to maintain tangs or angels for a short period of time until they are purchased by someone with a 120g or larger tank.


Active Member
Anyone wonder why they are trying to pass the exotic animal ban when stuff like this happens?
Best we can do is boycott bad stores and go to the responsible ones.