40g move.

Hello. I need some hep and advice. Currently i have a 10g fowlr. I am getting a 40g tank today and i plan on moving everything over to it. I am gonna be getting the filter,powerheads, heaters, and such for the tank as well. Other than the stuff to operate the tank i am kinda guessing on how to do this. Right now my plan is to put 20 lbs of live sand in the 40 as well as like 1 live rock. I am gonna cycle the tank with some raw shrimp from the grocery store. Once the tank is cycled i am gonna move the 14 lbs of live rock and 14 lbs of live sand from the 10g into the 40 as well as the critters. How does this sound? Am i totally way off or should this work? Any other things you guys might recommend to help the critters in the move and to make sure all of this is extremely successful?
Critter list:
1 Firefish
1 Clown Goby
1 Green Chromis
2 Nassarius snails
3 Nerite snails
3 hermits
1 Turbo snail
ok so we bought the tank yesterday. we decided to get the 60 instead of the 40 because it was only 10$ more. today i built the stand for it. so we are officially ready to test fill it then start cycling her.

crypt keeper

Active Member
If you move the sand from your current tank to the new tank it will cause a cycle. Dont do it. In fact. As your new tank cycles every time you do a water change pour the old water from your 10 into the 60. Doesnt matter how small it is. This water will have bacteria that will help the tank water in the 60 stay closer to that of the 10. Wont make it exact but it helps. Even if its 2 gallons at a time.
Your firefish is a jumper so make sure you have a good lid or you will come home to him dead. Do you have a QT set up? If not the 10 is a perfect tank for this. It seems you like your fish small and colorful or that was only because of the size of your tank?
yeah i was gonna make the 10 the qt tank. i love small fish but mainly we had em small cause of the 10. ok cool. i will use the water change water to help wit the cycle on the 60.
So here is the stand I built with the tank on it. The stand isnt quite done but it will do for the moment. It is still needing to be stained and I'm going to add paneling.


Originally Posted by HollywoodDiver
So here is the stand I built with the tank on it. The stand isnt quite done but it will do for the moment. It is still needing to be stained and I'm going to add paneling.
Put 2 x 4s under the outside frame corners or when those screws shear off, you are not going to be happy.

crypt keeper

Active Member
you figure 60 pounds of rock. then around 50 gallons of water minus displacemnet for the rock and sand. Your tank will weigh over 500 pounds with sand rock and water. Its crazy to think it would but water alone is going to be 450 pounds. Figure 1 gallon weighs 8 pounds.
I wouldnt cut the 2x4's so that they fit easily. I would cut them and tap them in with a hammer. Not so tight it puts pressure but just enough you cant move it around with your hand. Nice and snug. Those 4 post will have to hold a lot of weight.
ok i'm lost. what about 2x4's under the corners. the 6 legs are attached with 3 screws at each point. the top have 4 supports as well as 3/4" plywood then the 6 legs and the bottom has one suppoert in the middle. i followed the directions on a auqarium building website ( i know its not to be fully trusted but yeah). i dunno what you mean by 2x4 under the corners.
so i came home and my gf had filled the tank and added the salt and my rio 1700 to stir up the salt and mix the water. so tomorrow lowes will be my first stop to buy some wood to add support. but i thought i would post a picture of the progress. ignore the mess, we just moved in like a week ago. You can see our 10 in the background as well as my viewing chair ( she hates it but i love to sit in front of the tank and investigate and watch the critters)
yeah not really. hehehe. its gonna get leveled out. its just a tad not level. i am gonna make her get a bunch of buckets then i'm gonna drain the tank and level it out. any ideas how i might go about doing that. i was thinking of maybe using like wedges but i dont want to add strain to one side so i dunno.


Originally Posted by HollywoodDiver
yeah not really. hehehe. its gonna get leveled out. its just a tad not level. i am gonna make her get a bunch of buckets then i'm gonna drain the tank and level it out. any ideas how i might go about doing that. i was thinking of maybe using like wedges but i dont want to add strain to one side so i dunno.
Long hose + good pump + a really clean & soapless bathtub will save you some hassle.
At this point you can probably level it out using shims (BUT) make sure the shims are all the way along the part you are leveling out (meaning no gaps under it. In other words, use lots of them.
If its really off by more than a 1/4 inch you might want to take the screws out and level it out when you add the supports.
hehehe. yeah i was thinking about draining the whole thing or draining it halfway and then shimming the whole stand after adding the supports.
well... the tank is officially on a stand still. the money came dry this month. The shop i was working at closed. The landlord is dating a competing shop owner and decided to instead of re-up our lease push us out. So until another job comes in the tank is on a stand still. I am really bummed about this tank. So now i just have a 60g tank filled and waiting for the sand and rock.
Originally Posted by HollywoodDiver
well... the tank is officially on a stand still. the money came dry this month. The shop i was working at closed. The landlord is dating a competing shop owner and decided to instead of re-up our lease push us out. So until another job comes in the tank is on a stand still. I am really bummed about this tank. So now i just have a 60g tank filled and waiting for the sand and rock.

Aww so sorry to hear that you lost your job. Hopefully you'll find something else soon.
well thank you. i did actually find work. i got some acting gigs and the tank is back up and running. I am way excited. Added some more rock today and threw in my heater, powerhead (adding another one here in a week or so), some more sand, and the thermometer. I know i need more but that alone set be back enough for this next couple of week. but i am mixing up some salt in a trash can to do a water change here tomorrow so i guess as of right now its a just a waiting game.