46 bowfront reef.


Here's my 46 gallon bowfront.
20gallon fuge
ASM GX1 skimmer
2x96w CSL pc fixture
CPR overflow box
multiple powerheads
100pounds live rock in main tank, 20 in fuge
50 pounds pure arogonite
Assorted zoos (7 different kinds)
Assorted shrooms (3 different kinds)
torch coral
keyna tree
Hammer coral
Maroon clown
Lemon peel angel
diamond goby
3 green chromis
20 turbo snails
25 hermits
1 cleaner shrimp
2 camelback shrimp
Its a work in progress but its getting there.


I appreciate the compliments. Its no where near finished but its starting to look like a reef so I'm getting happier with every addition.


I appreciate all of the compliments. Its really hard to see on the pic but I have big caves on both sides and a bridge in the middle that runs from front to back for the fish to swim under. Ussually my cleaner shrimp just hangs out there. For the one who said this is more of a reef than you'll ever have, I said the same things 8 months ago. It takes awhile but if you stick to it it will happen.


maybe a month or two after that I was able to come up on the current tank(46gallon bowfront) and after selling my 26 gallon bowfront I put some money into my pocket.


I decided I wanted a fuge with a place for a good skimmer so I built one. I also purchased an overflow box to feed the fuge. I decided I didnt like the way the overflow looked so I covered it with my rock and had a huge open space to fill. Here it is with 50 pounds.


I was able to buy 100 pounds of figi for $200 bucks so I filled my tank completely with plenty to spare. Here it is in its current state with a 100 pounds of rock.


Believe it or not today I added 15 more pounds of rock. The whole rock wall in the back is sticking out of the water with the exeption of the wall surrounding the overflow but I built that up as well. I will post pics asap. Now I am 100% happy with the rock work.


Thanks. I just wanted to show the people that think their tank will never look like mine that at one point mine was pretty bad probably worse than most but after dedication and time I now have what I want(well almost, I still have a ton of corals that I want). I will post some more pics. Thanks again everyone.