48" Coralife 108w for 72 bow aquarium


well this is my take on things I have XM 175 duals that I ran for years on my 55 gal with virtually no growth at all maybe because I was only running the 175 10k's no actinics....now 2 days ago I bought 390watts of Power Compacts and everything looks alot better I have SPS,softies,LPS think i'll stay with the Power Compacts for awhile


Originally Posted by wayne40
well this is my take on things I have XM 175 duals that I ran for years on my 55 gal with virtually no growth at all maybe because I was only running the 175 10k's no actinics....now 2 days ago I bought 390watts of Power Compacts and everything looks alot better I have SPS,softies,LPS think i'll stay with the Power Compacts for awhile
OK....So you have a 55G Oceanic tank....with a Blue Hippo Tang
and you are gonna keep SPS under pc lighting
Good luck