5 Gallon Stock List???


My son loves fish. I bought a 5 gallon for quaratine and decided to put fish in it for him. I would put freshwater, but don't feel like cleaning it out (already had SW in it). Any suggestions? I would love to do a nano tank but I don't think I have the proper equipment. Any suggestions appreciated.


Hmm. I guess you already knew that the smaller the tank is, the less margin of errors you have. I would go with a 32w pc and if you change water more rapidly than usual tanks and check your water every now and then, you should be alright. If you have other tanks, you may want to transfer water from your older tank(s) into the 5. If you do that, you don't have to wait for the cycle to complete. As for other equipments, I would go for a small hang-on filter with a bio-wheel. Arggghhh, I can't really think right now. HTH
Oh, as for some suggestions for fishy. The only small fish I can think of is a clown goby. A lot of personalities and they stay very small, but I am not sure if a 5 can handle its bioload.


Active Member
In my personal opinion, I don't like to see fish in anything smaller than at least 10g. Even small fish need to have SOME room to move.


New Member
You can be like the mother I saw in the pet store a couple of months ago that wanted to fit "Marlin", "Nemo" and "Dori" into a 10 gallon tank. I guess if they ever got too big for the tank she would just "set them free" by flushing them down the drain. :rolleyes:



Originally posted by BIGtimbo
You can be like the mother I saw in the pet store a couple of months ago that wanted to fit "Marlin", "Nemo" and "Dori" into a 10 gallon tank. I guess if they ever got too big for the tank she would just "set them free" by flushing them down the drain. :rolleyes:

I know what I am doing and I am not that stupid. If you don't have any suggestions please don't reply.



Originally posted by Fish_Boi
i have a 2.5 gal nano with 2 damsels and 3 peppermint shrimp
the damsels were in my display tank but they picked on my clown way too much

Now that does sound like alot of fish for a 2.5g.?.? Is everybody doing O.K.? I had forgotton about shrimp though.:thinking:


Active Member
In a five gallon maybe a clown goby or a neon goby or if you keep the temp down in high 70's a catalina goby might work. I put a couple mushrooms, couple button polyps, snail and hermit crab (from the big tank) and a very small scarlet cleaner in mine. There's plenty of action in there so maybe he would like something along those lines. HTH


New Member
I'm sorry. I didn't mean to suggest that you would be like the mother in the pet store. The mere fact that you are asking questions on this board evidences a concern for the well being of the fish and a desire to keep your fish intelligently. I was just joking about how irresponsible others can be. :)

debra w-c

New Member
I would stick to one fish that stays pretty small and as suggested add some peaceful invertebrates for variety.
I have a clown goby and it's super tiny. They only grow to about one inch full grown so I think it would be okay.
It's very friendly and swims up to the front of the tank to say hello and beg for food.
I have several peppermint shrimps and they are also pretty interesting. I have taught them to eat from my hands. (If you have as much free time and can hold very still I bet you can too) They even swim up to my fingers when I'm doing water changes.
Here is my suggestion:
1 clown goby
2 peppermint shrimp
1 snail.
( Just be sure to add a piece of algae sheet to the tank once or twice a week for the snail since I doubt there is any algae in this tank yet).
I use a 5 gallon for a QT for my tank and it has worked fine for me with handling bioload for much bigger fish then a clown goby but I wouldn't advise putting a bigger fish in such a small tank.



Originally posted by BIGtimbo
I'm sorry. I didn't mean to suggest that you would be like the mother in the pet store. The mere fact that you are asking questions on this board evidences a concern for the well being of the fish and a desire to keep your fish intelligently. I was just joking about how irresponsible others can be. :)

I didn't mean to come across harsh. Hopefully it didn't sound that way. I hope to hear from you on all of my threads.



Originally posted by sloth54
what kind of filtration do you use on a 5 gallon tank?

Right now there is a carbon filter with a biowheel. I plan on only using a protein skimmer once my live rock is up to par. I hate the carbon/bio.


i have a 55 up and running, but my girlfriend wants a small 5 gallon tank but i did not think that was possible. CAn you just buy one of those 5 gal combos that cost like 40 bucks and come with the filter and be ok? or is that filter not good enough


That is what I did. Like I stated earlier. You really won't need a filter with enough live sand and live rock.
Of course you will have to upgrade the lighting in order to keep and corals. I hope this helps.


Just wanted to reply and let you know that my friend has a 5 gal with a penguin filter, she has 2 damsels in it and it is just fine.


I appreciate all of the help. I have been buying LR when I can. Hopefully when it finishes cycling I'll get a clown goby. I love those things.