5 Gallon tank build

mr. limpid

Active Member
You can definitely keep hammers and frog spawn with that fixture. If you like you can read my review under recent reviews, about the the Marineland LED fixture.


i just read your review. Your tank looks amazing and those lights are exactly what I'm looking for plus they are affordable. I will most likely purchase them later today. Could anyone explain how to post pics. Haha sorry I'm new to this whole thing.

mr. limpid

Active Member
Word of caution when ordering use the lesser number as the size, because the bulbs are set about 2 to 3 inches in from that dimension. The adjustable legs will extend that far but not the coverage of light.


Okay thank you. I just took a water test my Ph is 8.3 my Ammonia, Nitrite and Nitrate all read 0. Is this possible? or did i do something wrong.

mr. limpid

Active Member
A very large build up of diatoms, add a couple of hermits will get rid of it. Also you'll want to rest your LR directly on the bottom the tank, because if something digs under the rock it cave in on it and kill them. Plus adding a dark background on your tank will hide equipment and make your fish or coral pop out better.


Maybe I'll go pick up a couple of hermit crabs today. My LFS also sells the LED lights I want. I post a couple more pics later on. And snake, yea I'm trying to learn as much as possible it's a small tank and it's going to be hard to maintain.


What's the price difference? And yea I really like the hAmmer corals and frog spawnIf you go to the manufacturers website you can see the new version. It has a built in clock and can be set up to individually control the on and off times of the blue and white lights. The old version has a three position rocker switch allowing you to have lights off, blue on, or white and blue on. There is no clock and would require a separate timer and you still have to manually change between blue and all on.
I agree with the post further up. You will be just fine with hammers and frogspawn. I have hammers in my tank and they are just fine. I recently added a montipora setosa. It's high up so I think this will be enough light. Time will tell but polyps are extending nicely so far.

mr. limpid

Active Member
Originally Posted by SaGxMAN http:///t/391862/5-gallon-tank-build/20#post_3477534
If you go to the manufacturers website you can see the new version. It has a built in clock and can be set up to individually control the on and off times of the blue and white lights. The old version has a three position rocker switch allowing you to have lights off, blue on, or white and blue on. There is no clock and would require a separate timer and you still have to manually change between blue and all on.
I agree with the post further up. You will be just fine with hammers and frogspawn. I have hammers in my tank and they are just fine. I recently added a montipora setosa. I would be concerened on light requirements on this guy it's high, the Marineland LED' are only 1watt. It's high up so I think this will be enough light. This dosn't have the PAR readings you need, even higher up.Time will tell but polyps are extending nicely so far.


MrLimpid, you mention in your review the fact that these led's are uncoated, what concern does that cause?


I went down to the fish store and was talking to a guy he upgrading and is getting rid of his old stuff he has LED lights he told me I could test them out and if I like them just buy them from him for like 10-20 dollars


Active Member
I went down to the fish store and was talking to a guy he upgrading and is getting rid of his old stuff he has LED lights he told me I could test them out and if I like them just b
Do buy them from him for like 10-20 dollarsDO IT!


I hope it's what I'm looking for! That Would save me some money haha. I'll post a couple pics tomorrow when I bring the fixture home


Quick question. Do I really need the activated carbon filter? With the amount of LR and LS I feel like I don't really need it. I also heard that it just builds up nitrates anyway.


Well-Known Member
Carbon removes chemicals and toxins in the tank that build up over time. It also prevents gelstab - which is a yellowin of the water caused by excess chlorofil in the water comumn. If you intend on it being a reef tank, i suggest using it.