5 Gallon tank build

mr. limpid

Active Member
Originally Posted by Nano1714 http:///t/391862/5-gallon-tank-build/100#post_3479662
i just did a water change yesterday, i do test my water every morning and all of my readings were at 0. which is why i decided to add the coral. i do about 5-10% each week. Like you said to keep the nitrates down. As for now i don't plan on adding anything else for awhile. As for upgrading would someone be able to tell me the easiest way possible to do this? If i can get everything in order i may be able to upgrade sooner. please let me know thank you
Set up new tank with new sand and the additional rock. Let go threw the initial cycle. Them add the old rock on top of the new add creatures. The existing sand can be added on top of existing if you wish or not. Also I see from your pictures that that your rock is sitting on top of your sand, you need to push it down to set on bottom tank. Creatures will dig under rock and my get crushed when rock falls.