im not to sure yet about the fish, i would really like to do a small clown but i don't believe that is possible is it? Maybe you can give me some ideas and i can do some research. Im open to anything haha
NAH.....I would not put a clown in there.....I can make a suggestion...LOL
A pair of green banded gobies....I have 2 in my 28G cube....they are so cute They get maybe an inch
O wow I really like the bright colors on them. do they stay at the bottom though? I would like something they maybe swims in the middle of the tank?i know in previous posts someone mentioned a possum wrasse
I like the green banded goby idea. Another suggestion is a red headed goby. I have one in my tank and really enjoy it. It's on the bottom a lot but climbs around on all the rocks.
They look very nice too. So basically ill only be able to add some kind of goby? Which is perfect fine because like mentioned above there are many gobies that interest me