5000th post...

nm reef

Active Member
...not really a big deal. Just means I've been here for a while and entered a lot of responses. My system was born on 1/1/00 and I found this site a few days later. Folks were kind enough to help me learn how to set-up my new system and in turn I hope I've helped somebody develope theirs.
In celebration of number 5000 I want to post a pic of my lil 55 reef as it looks today...sorry for the quality of the pic...but it is mine...and ya'all helped it develope to this point. So break out the beer and look at NMreef as it nears 31 months of life in my home.

NMREEF website
“Whiskey for my men...beer for my horses.”

nm reef

Active Member
Thanks kip.....I hope I'm able to stay around that much longer.I am fairly confident the NMreef will be much larger by then...patince and all that ya know!


Active Member
the tank look so cool you can get a little more in it right. some day i will get to 5000 post but i think i will work on getting to 1000 first.


Nice tank man and congrats on the big 5 oh oh oh. Lol. Damn I've been here for almost 2 years now and I'm not even at 1000. You post-whore :D


NMreef accomplishments
posts 5000
reef excellent
beers drunk building reef and watching it grow 5000....cases.
avatars during the 31 months, 8
additional goofy reef realted pics, 24
personally responsible for banned members - classified
Personal delets of unwanted posts - classified
Number of posts in Shark Tank - classified
Number of posts responsable for saving newbie tanks from distruction - cant count that high :) ;)
BIG THANKS- for all the informative posts, great knowledge, helpful hints, and your own personal flavor that you add to the forum. For all you have done for us NM - Thanks


Active Member
wwatch out nm, he wants something. b/c boy is he really sucking up.
btw, congrats, and thanks for all you have done for us.

nm reef

Active Member
Hey...I'm just glad ya'all let me hang around long enough to see 5000...and I'm thankful daily for the pleasure I get from my reef.
It's ya'all that make this site...all I'm doing is giving each of you thanks for getting me from there to here.
What I'm really saying is its been fun times 5000 and my reef survives thanks to each of you!:cool:


Active Member
Lookin' good NM. I'm glad to see a tank that's been up and running for so long. I hope mine follows suit. And yes, you, along with many others on this board, have helped my tank get to where it is. I just need to get the dang camera I was supposed to for Christmas so I can show you. :D


congrats and i wanted to say thankyou because you have help me many times !! i hope someday my reef will look as good as yours:cool:


Yup, the big 5 oh oh oh oh. I can't count the money you saved me when first starting out... and since, thanks (not to mention the lives saved). Such a commitment towards the hobby with a family at home, with it's own demands, is impressive. Just want you to know it's appreciated.