50g reef tank build!



So, I picked up my used 50g tank from an LFS last week and Im getting VERY excited about the build!
When I get a chance I'll take a picture of the tank.... it needs some cleaning and a new background...and plumbing to of course..
Im going to be buying and building piece by piece... and the first thing after I build the stand will be to buy a tank for my sump.. it'll be whatever fits in my stand which Im thinking a 30g tall (?) as my 50g is 3ft long and 18inches deep...


scary looking tank, lol obviously needs some work :)


Active Member
Wow that sucker is covered. I do not envy you to have to clean that. How are you gonna go about it?? Soak with vinegar and razor blade???
The tank looks like it is a real nice size for a reef tank. I like the 18" deep, more room to aquascape.


WOW! That's a lot of coralline!
That's going to need a good, long soak in vinegar. I wouldn't even dillute the vinegar for the first round (because you're probably going to have to soak more than once). My 8 gallon was really covered and it took me three soakings to get the coralline to an acceptable level. I didn't do a full vinegar soak the first time, but the second and third time I did and it made a big difference. Then I sat it outside with a sprinkler running through it to rinse all the vinegar out for a day. I did not razor blade the tank at all because I was afraid of scratching the glass, but I did use an old credit card for some of the tougher spots.
Be careful with a "tall" tank for a sump. Sometimes they're too tall and don't allow you to get equipment in and out easily.
Looking forward to this build!


Thanks for all of the info guys...i will probably fill it with vingar and let it sit for a few days in the garage and take a blade to it...
its glass so it shouldnt scratch to easily,lol whatever is left after that i will probably call good! Im trying to figure out what to do with the plumbing...
it has one of those cone overflows which is fine (ill cover it with some mesh probably) and the other one im going to have to plumb as my return...
so im thinking about a bar or the 2 or 3 piece armatures so i dont have to have it full of powerheads...
i may also hard plumb something to go over the back and then down into the tank? Any ideas on that?


Well-Known Member
Could you elaborate on that last couple of sentences or maybe draw a diagram of what you are thinking? I am confused.


the arms like that come on all in ones... umm like Loc line pieces that could have a few different arms on it.... being that it has that strainer piece on it i only want the one to go to the overflow
and the other side



Thats what I was thinking of Shawn... that way it cuts out atleast one powerhead...
Im also contemplating drilling another hole to do the same on the other side and put the strainer in the middle.. but im not sure...
and then again... its going to take a few months before much gets done.. so Wed. im buying the krylon spray... thinking navy blue? lol
and Ill start working on the stand next week when Im off before my trip and um yeah.... got a temp light from a member of my local reef club bought I think... its a NOVA extreme fixture.. (cuz I know it will take my husband MONTHS to build my LED, lol)



SO here is my NOVA current EXTREME T5 fixture Im picking up this weekend... and a wet/dry filter (probably turn it into a fuge for the tank!) and again
I GET TO MEET ROBERT FENNER on sunday!! Im gonna have him sign my aquarium and coral books, lol I'm such a aq. nerd :)


So got to meet Bob Fenner! On sunday had a really good talk about the new collection station in fiji the smiths opened...
picked up the light...in a group buy on BRS so im going to order new bulbs next week and probably my RO/DI also...
sttill thinking about the plumbing...and maybe once i build the stand next week after i get back ill have a better idea of what i want to do...i may end up going over the edge with some hard plumbing for the return and make basically 2 spray bars under the top of the tank water level....
i did also pick up a wet/dry thats got a baby skimmer in it and she says it works fairly well so i may try that out before buying something else(plus its glued in so it would be a bear to try and pull out,lol)


Lol Shawn...was he with another well known aquarium person?lol he was picking on me saying i need to make sure he signs my book too...i said i know people i can ship it to for him to sign it next,lol...soooo i should get your address so i can ship my book to you if you live anywhere near that huge fish store he works at???


AAnywyas I still need ideas for plumbin into the tank people! Comeon...


Well I got an acrylic sock filter holder for the wet/dry thats about 20g that I am going to convert into a sump :)