54 gallon project...

how do you acclimate a 54 gallon aquarium......it runs at 700 gph...and a 15k MH? it also has a sump
i would like to know this because it will be in my mom and dads living room in a few weeks...
i am 14 and they want me to keep it for them...they dont know how to maintain it,and in May I'm getting my own 29 gallon biocube
i would like to know how to post pictures so i can show were i'm putting the 54 in my mom and dads living room
we know the fish list we're putting in it
heres the stocklist:
50 pounds of LR
80 pounds of LS
foxface rabbitfish
blue hippo tang
naso tang
cobberband butterfly
blueleg hermits X 25
hawaiian zebra hermits X 20
porcelain crab
cleaner shrimp X 2
toadstool leather
blue linckia starfish
white sebae anemone
candy cane
feather dusters
tell me what you guys think and if you have anything to say go ahead and post... thankyou!


Active Member
just off the bat you need to mark off those tangs, and the linckia.
the tangs need a larger tank that is at least 6ft long.
the linckia needs a tank older than 6months a year would be better, and over 80lbs of lr.


Even the Copperband Butterfly... they don't like Clownfish?
To save some money... go to Home Depot and buy some playsand to put on the bottom. Then just put a thin layer of LS on top of that, one bag is enough.


Active Member
Originally Posted by joojoo
To save some money... go to Home Depot and buy some playsand to put on the bottom. Then just put a thin layer of LS on top of that, one bag is enough.
I'd have to disagree with this, you never know what you are getting in playsand. It is not meant for aqaurium use. There could be metals, minerals, deposits in it that can be harmful to aqaurium use. Like silicates....
I would advise you to look online to find a great deal on ls, this site sells sand.
I would suggest getting live and dead sand and mixing them on the bottom.

aztec reef

Active Member
Originally Posted by larryndana
I'd have to disagree with this, you never know what you are getting in playsand. It is not meant for aqaurium use. There could be metals, minerals, deposits in it that can be harmful to aqaurium use. Like silicates....
I would advise you to look online to find a great deal on ls, this site sells sand.
I would suggest getting live and dead sand and mixing them on the bottom.

almost agree, the only playsand i would use is southdown (is used for sandboxes in paygrounds)if you can find it...
other than that i wouldn't recommend any other brand...
thanks for the flames guys...ive gone to my LFS and they said that i can have those tangs. they said that if i get them as a baby it will be no problem...and copperbands are fine...and i dont see any clownfish on my list..

aztec reef

Active Member
tangs need a lot a room to swim, imo a 54 doesn't provide that. even when babies they need room to grow!!! :happyfish


Active Member
Originally Posted by Cherish life.
thanks for the flames guys...ive gone to my LFS and they said that i can have those tangs. they said that if i get them as a baby it will be no problem...and copperbands are fine...and i dont see any clownfish on my list..

OK, here is the thing.
Do not come and ask for advice, and when people say "don't do it" accuse them of flaming. NO ONE here flamed you in any way. They gave you advice...told you that you shouldn't do what you clearly want. But no one was rude, obnoxious, unrealistic, called you names, etc.
NO ONE here is after your money, take that into consideration please.
If you don't want advice, then don't ask. I seriously mean that. I feel the advice given is sound. I would strongly suggest a new LFS, because clearly they will sell you ANYTHING to make some money.
Not uncommon, unfortunately.


this thread should help you figure out how to post pics. I just upload mine to photobucket, and copy them from there...
you said you have 700gph in a 54 gallon tank. thats only about a 13x turnover, a little weak for a reef. i think 15x turnover is the minimal, 20x turnover is decent.
I wouldnt get the blue legs either, they can be very aggressive and kill snails for their shells. now that i double check you dont have any snails on your list. I would get a good amount of nassarius (sp?) snails. they do a great job keeping my top layer of sand clean. and maybe a few turbo snails to help keep the algae off the glass. more snails you have cleaning, the less cleaning you will have to do.
I hate to say it, but I have to agree with everyone else about the tangs. they are two small for that tank.
I learned the hard way that a lot of LFS's are just after your money. Some are very helpful, but most seem not to be. I learned most of everything i know from this site. Before i found out about this site, i wasted a lot of money on advice from a LFS, that could easily have been avoided if i researched in this forum first.
good luck


Active Member
No tangs. I also wouldnt add the butterfly. They are for advanced aquariest IMO. I would get some gobys,clowns,angel type thing so you can have more fish to look at not 2 big ones.


Active Member
sounds like your lfs is out to make money. like stated, we don't want your money. but if you want to give it away....i'll take it.
One of the most commonle seen things on this site (by me anyhow) is that tangs need at least 6 feet of swimming length, otherwise they can get stressed, and you dont want to lose such a great fish. I understand that some people can keep them in smaller tanks, but generally, they need more space.
sorry for the accusation of flaming but...i think that my LFS wouldnt lie to me...i mean my uncle goes there all the time..and ive spent 1000's of dollars there...and truthfully i really want tangs, so if i get some and they start geting unhealthy then ill take em back..i love fish and my LFS would never cheat me..IF ANYONE LIVE IN ST PETE FLORIDA PET MART IS THE BEST!
not better than swf though...
and noone still answered my question of acclimation...


Active Member
Your user name is "Cherish Life" and yet you will put fish into less than ideal conditions (by anyone's definition except people making money off you) and will return them "when they start getting unhealthy." :notsure:
1) LFS do not take unhealthy fish in trade
2) What is your definition of "unhealthy?" It is amazing how blinded people get with their fish. I have seen fish totally eroded by HLLE and yet people think they are "healthy."
3) If you love fish, why would you intentionally put them in a situation to make them unhealthy?
That LFS has mistreated you already, IMO. And they have enjoyed every last cent.
There are loads of beautiful fish you can keep that are appropriate for a 54 corner. If you want tangs, then you should seek a different tank. That is all. If you have spent thousands, then surely you can look into a suitable system - say a 150g, and then you can potentially add a few others. :happyfish


Active Member
Originally Posted by Cherish life.
i think that my LFS wouldnt lie to me...i mean my uncle goes there all the time..and ive spent 1000's of dollars there
and noone still answered my question of acclimation...
they did lie to you, having the tangs even when small in a situation where they can not swim enough to exercise right is detrimental to their health, you could survive in a closet but would you be healthy and fit? no. you may live but you wouldnt be happy.
as for spending thousands of dollars there all that says is that your willing to keep giving them money after getting burnt. they do like you probably alot because they know they can tell and sell you anything.
Your young still, just because someone is nice to you doesnt mean they respect you in any way. No one here makes anything off giving you advice. try to be a little more open minded when asking questions, your not always going to get the answer you want.
that said I hope you enjoy the hobby, and remember research is key.


Active Member
Unfortunately, everyone is correct in saying that the fish chosen are not suitable for your aquarium. There are tons of fish that would do great in 54 gallon tank. The four you chose are not among them.
Your LFS is out to make money off of you. It's as simple as that. Why would we lie to you? We have nothing to gain and are only here because we love marine fish and aquariums.


Active Member
how do you acclimate a 54 gallon aquarium?
no one has answered this because we dont understand the question (at least I dont), are you asking how to acclimate fish? are you asking about cycleing? please clarify and some one will most likley answer at some point.


In place of the tangs, why don't you do a dwarf angel? People with larger systems get tangs because they're beautiful and active, and angels could replicate that effect in a smaller tank like yours. Some fish suggestions: sixline wrasse, carpenter's flasher wrasse, coral beauty angel, cherub angel, school of chromis, pair of clownfish, larger gobies, etc. Could possibly do a valentini or other toby puffer, but they are hit and miss as far as reef-safety goes, and will probably munch on the inverts.
After you became attached to the tangs, I guarantee it would be harder to let them go -- and they would suffer for it. Don't get them and only plan to have them for a short while.