54 gallon project...


Active Member
Originally Posted by Cherish life.
oh man...i just got home from school...i guess we can go with smaller fish and just get alot of pretty corals! and were getting a sump too so well have pods...im gonna get a twinspot or mandarin..
btw...what is the coolest and BIGGEST fish you think i can have in my aquarium?
mandrins need a mature tank and a lot of LR...


Originally Posted by Cherish life.
oh man...i just got home from school...i guess we can go with smaller fish and just get alot of pretty corals! and were getting a sump too so well have pods...im gonna get a twinspot or mandarin..
btw...what is the coolest and BIGGEST fish you think i can have in my aquarium?
I hate to keep bursting your bubble, but it will be hit or miss with the mandarin. I tried and mandarin in my 92g with 100 lbs. of LR and 55 gal fuge/sump. Plus I added about 7-8 bottles of pods to the fuge over a couple months and it still starved in less then 4 months. If your lucky you will find one that will except prepaired foods or try roe. Good luck and glad to see you are over the tangs


Yeah sorry but mandarin is going to be a no. Her eI have compiled a "mock" stock list.
Blue chromis: 3 Schools at the top of your tank and will be visible
Flame angel: 1 Great color and activity (although may pick at corals)
Yellow watchman goby: 1 Will pair up with a pistol shrimp and create a smybiotic relationship (the pistol digs burrows)
Clarkii clownfish: 2 Good activity and a really neat fish.
Maybe one or two more fish but I believe this combineds size/color/activity/intrest in a good way.
i really dont need the mandarin....uhhhhhhh
noone answered my question if i can get any relatively large fish..and how do i cycle the dang tank!!!????

aztec reef

Active Member
go to your local grocery store get a raw/uncooked shimp throw it in your tank, let it sit there for a few days or untill your ammonia reads .50 then remove the shrimp and wait for your tank to stablelize the ammonia back to 0. it will take between 3-4 weeks. in the mean time


You were told how to cycle already. Try doing some reading and research first before asking.
Originally Posted by lion_crazz
In order to cycle it, you just got some uncured live rock and add it to the tank. This will start your cycle. If you really want to kick start it, throw a raw cocktail shrimp into the tank also, and let that begin to decay. Basically, anything that will break down and form ammonia will begin your cycle.
Fish I would be looking at are: clownfish, firefish, gobies, blennies, anthias (must be in a school of at least 3), basslets, grammas, dwarf angelfish (only one to a tank), dwarf lionfish (only if you do not have shrimp or tiny fish), hawkfish, and fairy wrasses. They are some beautiful fish in the types of fish listed. I am sure you will be able to get a very healthy and beautiful aquarium if you stick to those 11 types of fish.


Active Member
In addition, there is no reason it would be different from the posts on cycling in the new hobbyists section, or those in the archives...there is loads of information and advice there


day 1 Get some un-cured live rock and some live sand and put in the tank with correct salinity (1.026).
day 2 Add 1-2 raw un-cooked shrimp.
day 14 wait for the ammonia levels to get to .50 - .75
day 21 Take out the shrimp and wait for the ammonai AND nitrites to go to 0
Wait 4-7 days to make sure it satys this way.
This whole process WILL and SHOULD
take at least 3 weeks if not more.
this is how mine went but know that it could be up to 8 weeks. The longer the better. If you have any other questions feel free.


Active Member
Wow, page two now.
Look, put some salt water into the tank, put a peice of raw shrimp in....wait for ammonia, and take it out....just like others have said.
NOW, while you wait inbetween all of this. go find a book and READ IT, a good choice, THE NEW MARINE AQUARIUM....or SALTWATER AQUARIUMS FOR DUMMIES.
The book will guide you in the right direction....maybe a book will sink in.... :happyfish


I don't understand how you cannot grasp these concepts after all the discussion in this thread and info already posted on this site. Especially since it is evident that you know how to navigate the forums seeing that you are all over the place offering bogus advise to people who think you know what you are talking about. If you can't understand cycling and why you can't put three tangs in a 50 gallon tank, then you have no business telling others how to stock their tank, what to do with their sick fish, and what equipment they should buy.
Cherish life. said:
sorry for the accusation of flaming but...i think that my LFS wouldnt lie to me...i mean my uncle goes there all the time..and ive spent 1000's of dollars there...
Not to be nosy, but where does a 14 year old just happen to have thousands of dollars just lying around to spend on fish?
i work my {edit language} off all day after school getting extra money so i can be in this awwesome hobby..i do know alot about fish...but i guess im being too {Language} stubborn...
thanks everyone for answering my questions sorry if i was a jurk...ill try not to post anymore.


Active Member
You have to understand the frustration people have. If in fact you are giving advice, and then asking basic questions (and these are basic questions), then people will be very very annoyed and this is what you will hear. I would ask people not to nit pick about how much money you have, etc, but I would also ask that you understand where others are coming from...people are happy to help if they feel it is a two way process.


Active Member
In doing a quick check...I can see where people are frustrated:
You are giving a lot of advice that you are not doing yourself.