540 G stocking suggestions ?


New Member
Hi guys, been planning for about 3 years for this tank thats going to be a FOWLR aquarium .I would like to try and keep some inverts as well such as crabs,snails,shrimp and starfish so long as they dont reduce the number of fish i can get too much.
I am just not sure how to take advantige of the size of this tank .I would like to get an emperor , majestic angelfish and queen angel + 3 or 4 dwarfs.
Tangs blue ,yellow, blonde naso ,purple
butterlfys lattice, pyramid
2 clowns and a school of green chromis
so I just want to see how others would go about stocking a tank of this size


New Member
with regard to filtration for this tank , was planning on sufficient LR ,LS and 2 large deltec skimmers.On top of this I was going to have a 240G sump with a refugium consisting of macro algae.However I can not find a single retailer in Australia that sells macro algae.
If i cant purcase any macor algae what should I use a subsitute ?


Active Member
I think it's a great stocking list. Angels are iffy with crustacean, if you can get the shrimp in early it could work out, on that note I wouldn't add any angel until the tank is about 6 months old anyway. Nonetheless, a hungry adult Emperor will likely make a meal out of a shrimp.
Sounds like a pretty good plan though.
Macro Algae is great, but not the end of the world to be without it, particularly in a FOWLR and being that you have 2 big time skimmers. I have no doubt Deltec makes a quality skimmer btw, but I think there are a lot of great skimmers for less money out there.


OMG...If I was able to get a tank that big, I would get another stingray, and add fish that would be okay with it.....