Originally Posted by hot883
Thanks Josh, yes that is a LTA. I have many zoanthids, mushrooms, Gorgonian, brain, polyps, hundreds of nassirius snails, scarlet and blue leg hermits, a couple of turbo snails, 1 sand sifting star (that you can barely see by the brain), 2 sea serpeants, 1 Hawaiian Featherduster, 1 green ricordea, 2 orange ricordeas, 2 bid hairy mushrroms, 3 shrimp and the fish include:
1- Bangaii
1- Pajama Cardinal
1- Bi-Color Angel
2- O clowns
1- Firefish Gobie
2- Enginner Gobies
I run 260w P.C.'s (on from 8-8)
150 gal. rated sump/refugium (loaded with lr,ls, a light ran 24/7, and algeas)
4 P.H.'s
Right at 100 lbs. of LR
40 Lbs. of LS
I do a 7 gallon water change everyweek
Temp stays at 78-79 degrees
S.G. stays around 1.025
Hey hot.....very nice pics.....
Is you LTA doing good under 260pc's??? Cause i have 260's also but thought they were too weak for the LTA's.