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just gaaaaawgeous.
I love that deep blue background - makes little firefish-man's colors really * pop *


Active Member
Thanks Littlebuck. I am sorry to have to add that I am waiting on 2 shipments or corals and they have been in the snail mail system for a week now. I don't think anything is going to arrive alive. :mad: All I want is a great looking tank that is stable and supportive of the livestock.. Makes me mad when shipments are sooooo late.


Active Member
ya i know i hate that i got one of mine in and it took like 9 days and wehn i opened it i almost died from the smell. Most of it was dead i tried to save what i could but it really didnt work out to good. But good luck with your order hope it comes all alive. Hate to see stuff die


Originally Posted by hot883
Thanks Josh, yes that is a LTA. I have many zoanthids, mushrooms, Gorgonian, brain, polyps, hundreds of nassirius snails, scarlet and blue leg hermits, a couple of turbo snails, 1 sand sifting star (that you can barely see by the brain), 2 sea serpeants, 1 Hawaiian Featherduster, 1 green ricordea, 2 orange ricordeas, 2 bid hairy mushrroms, 3 shrimp and the fish include:
1- Bangaii
1- Pajama Cardinal
1- Bi-Color Angel
2- O clowns
1- Firefish Gobie
2- Enginner Gobies
I run 260w P.C.'s (on from 8-8)
150 gal. rated sump/refugium (loaded with lr,ls, a light ran 24/7, and algeas)
4 P.H.'s
Right at 100 lbs. of LR
40 Lbs. of LS
I do a 7 gallon water change everyweek
Temp stays at 78-79 degrees
S.G. stays around 1.025

Hey hot.....very nice pics.....
Is you LTA doing good under 260pc's??? Cause i have 260's also but thought they were too weak for the LTA's.


Active Member
Thanks Jhebi. As you can see by the pics. the LTA is doing well. They say if your lights are not that strong then you will have to feed them. I do, about every 4 days or so a small piece of raw shrimp.
He does shrink up now and again but within a couple hours he is back to being normal
(which is a normal behavior as I have learned). He has tripled in size since I bought him 3 months ago.


Active Member
Thanks, I have had him for 5 months and the LFS said they had him 2 years.
Here's a better pic. for ya.


Where can you get your Cahlerpa from and how much do you think it would cost on average??
Is it good for the fish or is it just decor??


Active Member
Originally Posted by kingoftang
Where can you get your Cahlerpa from and how much do you think it would cost on average??
Is it good for the fish or is it just decor??
Very good for fish and the water quality (takes out phosphates and nitrogens I've been told). Some LFS sells and also the big auction site. That in the pic came with a coral branch I bought that had the mushrooms on it.


Active Member
Originally Posted by jhebi
he hot.....the way you put the rocks, is it touching your back tank??
Everyone is different on that idea. You don't want it all touching because you need circulation back there too. Some of mine is but not to much.


Active Member
Originally Posted by clown123
they had him for 2yrs! how big is it? i use too have one but my yellow tang killed it.i was :mad:
It's about 3". He constantly grazes on the LR, eats cyclo peeze, formula 1, brine, and sea weed sheets.


Active Member
Originally Posted by clown123
how much was it i got mine for $25 i thought that it was cheap.
You got yours cheap alright, I paid $54 I think for mine. WORTH EVERY PENNY THOUGH!