55 Gallon Build Thread! Will Need some advice/tips along the way!


glad you guys like my DIY canopy! Saved around 70 dollars by doing it myself. They cost about 110 at the store, and arent even as good as the one i made.
got some more stuff in yesterday to the tank. will have pics later tonight!


Did you make any doors into your canopy? I'm considering building one soon to house my lights, but I'm planning on putting doors in, or have it so the top fold up so I can get into my tank easily!


Active Member


Nice!! Go for it, it only took me like a full sunday to do it, and ended up saving a lot of money!
<-closed VS open ->

The top on it has a removable piece that just lays on there, and when i need to go into the tank, it comes off easily. I still need to paint it black, and attach a long piece of wood to the very end of the canopy, so that the back of the top piece sits on it and won't bend down.
Here is some new additions I got:
A tiny frag of zoos (can someone ID them if they have the same kind?)

And I got an Anemone, which as soon as I put in the tank, moved to the spot, and has been there for 3 days now! Lets hope it settles there and won't be moving around much!


I got my last 2 fish (or I thought I did) last saturday and put them in my QT. A 6 line wrassle and a mimic yellow tang. 3 days later, which was on wednesday, I came home to find my mimic tang dead, attached to the power head. He was so skinny that when he passed away, he got sucked into the power head. Very upset since this is the first fish that died ever since I started this hobby, which is about 6-7 months ago.
6 Line Wrassle is doing great tho, so thats a relief. Hope he makes it through quarantine and gets to enjoy my DT!
Also got some new corals for the DT, will try to get some pictures this weekend!