55 gallon


here is my last pic for now.... most of my pieces as you can tell are fregs becasue on a low budget i fuigure not only will i get goo pieces for cheap but i can actually watch my tank gro which most people don't get the priviledge of doing....i hope you all like
I also forgot I 've got a moonlight. What kind of lighting do you currently have? Your corals look great!!!! Btw, how do yo feed your sifting star and would you recommend me to have one ?Is it hardy?


i am using jsut some flouros not very much light at all, no moon lights and no atcnics. i admit that its not enough light but everything seems to be doing fine

Originally posted by THERICK
does anyone have any suggestions for a clam to put in this tank. they are awesome in color and i would like to add that to this tank. thanks

NO CLAM!!!! :eek:
You need Halides for Clams. I have halides and still scared to get a clam. I am not that good yet. Plus waiting for my custom 110 to get here. Come on March 18th


I did alot of research and i found that the peppermint, although people have said they would mess with my yellow polyps, have done a great job i had a few apstasia and now they are all gone. So i would go that route
Cool...After 3 weeks of cycling..here are my numbers:
PH -8.4
Amm = 0.0
Nitrite = 0.0
Nitrate = 10
Do you think I'm ready for my first coral?


EXCELLENT IMPOROVEMENT. yeah, im kind of trying o dealw ith an algea problem too right now, just increasing my water changes... good inspiration



Originally posted by THERICK
I did alot of research and i found that the peppermint, although people have said they would mess with my yellow polyps, have done a great job i had a few apstasia and now they are all gone. So i would go that route

can i just remove the apstasia with some type of thongs


you can try but the chances that you could catch him before he sucked back in are slim, plus if you dont get all of it then another one will grow back in its place.


I will have to take a picture to see if watt i have in my refuge is one because now it split into two and its at the top of the glass of the refuge


In my 125 i found this stuff call joe's Juice for apptasia. It works excellent. I am slowly clean it all out. I had a ton. Now before each water change I inject a few. You just squirt some right on top of it and it has not hurt my bubble anemone or other corals. I am new too, I have a question. I bought the coralife pcs with the 96 watt acintic and 96 watt 10000k bulbs. I want to add MH since I am hereing i must for the nice corals. My clam did great for 8 months then just died in 2 days. I am told its becasue my lights are to weak. Can I add Mh to what I have or do I need entire new fixtures?


they should eat the aptasia over your polyps depending on the indivdual peppermint shrimp. I have had 3 in a 55 for two months now and they have yet to touch my yellow polyps.


i would let the xenia spread, i cut mine and it fell off the rock i glued it to. i did cut it at the base and now the stump is growin arms, in like 2 weeks!!! i let it spread and it was much easier. and i ended up loseing the cutting.