55GALLON!!! DIARY!!!!!! POST HERE what u think!!!!


Active Member
well i finally traded my brain for a bunch of cinnamon payls, 15 or so candy cane heads, and some purple stuff that i have no idea what it is...
I'm really thinking about ordering from vivid soon if nobody posts in my livesellingtrading thread
WOW it been way to long since i updated


Originally Posted by ClownFiSH11
what are you talking about man?
The minimum suggested requirement of most every type of seahorse out there is 20 gallons. The ones that aren't 20 gallons are larger. Minimum requirements in most circumstances are not the ideal situation but the very minimum for the fish. The 55 looks great and obviously has alot of care in the setup. I wish all fish lovers nothing but the best. A 10 gallon tank though is way to small for a seahorse especially if you want to see the fishes personality.


Originally Posted by Ilovemytank
The minimum suggested requirement of most every type of seahorse out there is 20 gallons. The ones that aren't 20 gallons are larger. Minimum requirements in most circumstances are not the ideal situation but the very minimum for the fish. The 55 looks great and obviously has alot of care in the setup. I wish all fish lovers nothing but the best. A 10 gallon tank though is way to small for a seahorse especially if you want to see the fishes personality.
lmao wtf are you banging on about lmaoi think you need to sleep lol


i strongly recomnd a starry blenny. i got one about a month ago and he rocks! such personality and loves to be up front watching you when you walk by the tank. he's great!


Active Member
yah once i catch my flametail ill get either that or a bicolor they sold me this stupid flametails as a bicolor and id idnt notice till i got home...


Active Member
Where's your camera? I'd think you'd want to show everybody what you've bought... when was the last picture updated??


Active Member
Okay heres what im getting/got
4 Nuc Greens
2 PD's
2 Desert Fox
1 Widowmaker (Also has a baby polyp forming)
2 Nightmare's
2 Sunshines
1polyp Vivid Nightmares
2polyps dooms
2polyp alfa omega
1polyp tubs
1 rainbow ric
plan to save up like 50 for 5 acan frags after i buy this stuff