55GALLON!!! DIARY!!!!!! POST HERE what u think!!!!

salt nate

For the skimmer:
please take my advise and drill a hole in the bottom of the collection cup, hook an airline to it and let it drip into a larger container. it is very hard to get it perfect and if you mess with it and think its right and its not...
if will overflow everywhere, it has saved me 100 times and Ive only had the skimmer for 2 months. I have a 125 model that already has the drain in it.


Active Member
I also dont know why, but I think this is a sweet pic

still getting used to this camera, but it takes great pics and these arn't its best


Active Member
Thanks I just changed it a lot for many reasons, but those are surprises!
here are some pics, but remember the water is still a little murky




Active Member
Come on I dont like surprises!
The only rock that looks out of place is the one leaning on the glass other than that I like it a lot!


Active Member
yah I know I have nowhere to put it until i get my 14gallon, and lets just say no updates for a while...getting the surprise finished


Active Member
IT LOOKS SO GOOD NOW I GOT LOST IN IT FOR 1hour!!!!!! JUST WAIT FOR ME TO GET THIS SURPRISE TO YOU!!!!!! Its actually kind of already happeneing


Active Member
Just picked up
Green Birdsnest
2 red monti caps
1 purple digi
for 20 total
I am selling my current fixture and upgrading to the pro version so check my selling thread