

Great pictures, everyone!
I enjoy looking at everyones pic's
Thank you all for sharing
I'll try for a 6 pak for you all here:


nm reef

Active Member
Very nice rubytoo...
must be a marketing major.....buy 6 and get 2 additional at no extra cost.....


Active Member
Thanks NM.
Very nice Ruby. I added a green clown goby yesterday. I'm looking for him now.


Active Member
Nice Crox

What's the coral in the 2nd pic in your second set? I need to get some of those.


NM you may have to change your name to the intimadator but don't stop posting.
Your pics are always awesome.
And Goodwin9 your pics are great too but that first little fish looks like he's pouting..what were you doing to him?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Crox
I believe they are candy cane corals.

Yeah I figured it was some sort of trumpet coral. I guess I just haven't seen that color. I would buy them if my LFS ever got that color in.


I'm glad you all enjoyed my pic's
Thanks NM Reef for your comments and your great pic's.
I upgraded my computer last year. This year I would like an upgrade to a better
To maroonytun :
The hawk fish is great! one of my favorite fish!
To mrdc:
My green clown goby I put in my nano tank. He does like to hide, but that last mushroom I added from my 55 gallon tank to my nano, the clown gobie has claimed. I find him lying in it most all day.
Otherwise he likes to hide in my brown polyps . He likes cover, but he is a cool fish!
Here is another 6 pack for you all to enjoy:



and one more for the six pack:
A hitchhiker crab
He changes all the time
I think he might be a decorator crab because he is always putting things on his body.
He walked around all day with a peice of round algae on him .. looked like an alien! lol!


The rest. And also if someone knows the exact id on the red tube algae I got growing I would like to know. It is getting out of control and need to know how to deal with it if it causes any problems.
