72 bowfront 6 1/2 months


sinner's girl

I love the yellow flower looking things. Nice.
Ya know, I stopped counting at 21, I'd have to think about that..I think 24, 25 soon. Man that seems so old!


lets just say i'm a mom with a son almost 11, daughter almost 8, and daughter almost 6.
by the way, very nice tank :happy:


What type of clowns are those and thats a very nice tank and great photos. Btw iam 15


The yellow polyps are a LPS stony coral called Sun polyps (Tubastraea sp) and are completely carnivorous (they contain no photosynthetic zooanthelle )I hope i spelled that right. They can be placed in light or dark and should be enticed to eat when first purchased by floating them in a tupperware container in the tank with a cube of frozen food ex. brine shrimp. Then when the polyps are open, stir the food to that the polyos are fed while the food is floating and moving around. Well fed polyps will open up at night and whenerver the slightest "smell" of food is in the water ex. when feeding the fish at 10:00 am even. they are very hardy considering that they are fed atleast twice a week although they can go much longer without food as many do from the time that they are collected to the time they reach a retail store. VERY COOL POLYPS!!!


those clowns are true percula clowns (Amphiprion percula) and are collected from
Papua New Guinea where onyx clown also originate (thus the reason why the female clown is so dark but is not considered a true onyx) The male was purchased at a local fish store. They make great tank mates and have found a great liking for the goniopora coral over the frogspawn and the rose bubble anemone. the goniopora, is controversial as a host bc many argue that it is irritated. My goni has shown no negative side effects from being hosted by the clowns. Great clowns!!!!


The royal gramma in this pict are of the male
pairing roayl grammas is not that difficult.
Females are much smaller 3/4"-1 1/2" and have very very pointy ventral fins
the males are much larger and have blunder ventral fins.
The males also have a pronounced creace on the gill cover much like bettas bc they will partially flare their gills like bettasl
The little yellow tang was one of the emaciated ones that I spoke of earlier and ow hich is now doing much better.
The anthias is a female.> male lyretail



I have the same tank and was wondering how much live rock you have in there. I am about to buy the rock and was wondering how muckh to buy. your tank is awesome.


I know every aquarist should be able to answer this question but some of the rock was given to me by a friend and i didn't think to record the weight. Based on looks and what I have measured I think that I have around 60-65 lbs or live rock. Sorry that I can't be so exact. good luck!


oh yeah... some fo the "live rock" was purchased with mushrooms so the lbs count might be more like 70. it also depends on how porous, hollor, or how many spaces it has.


one thing,
If you live in san Mateo California or any where close by u should check out Ultimate Aquarium next to Al Sam florist and across from kragen on s El camino!
Whoa, Ice Man, that tank is fricken sweeeet. Ever consider a blaustamosa? Very very very nice tank.
Yes, Ive been to the Ultimate Aquarium before, it is an excellent place. Anyone in the San Francisco bay area should defenitely try it out. Its always getting in new things and their tanks and fish show that they know their stuff. Small place, but they still have a lot of things.
Again, major props for your tank iceman.


hmmm I hope I can remember all of them. Some of htem like to stay hidden so i forget that I have them occasionally
lets see...
Cherub Angel (the bully)
2 lyretail Anthias
2 Percula clowns
Blue tang
Yellow tang
neon goby
2 royal ramma
a six line wrasse
4 green clown gobies
1 atlantic chromis
3 blue green chromis
I'm on the verge of overstocking but my 30 gallon sump will soon have a 5 gallon refugium


Active Member
Have you had good luck with your blue tang? Any promblems with ick? I'm thinking about getting one later on for my tank.