75 Gallon Stand



Originally Posted by annanymous
i was thinking of doing that too. wasn't sure how thick it should be [ 3/4, 1/2 or 1"]
my main problem is the floor. my stand is basicly level, but my floor is so not flat. i dont know what to do about it
Are you talking about the thickness of foam? I just have like not even 3/8's inch of foam. It came in a roll at Home Depot. its Pink.


Active Member
When you shim make sure you use solid wood to shim or those synthetic shims they are selling at Lowes and HD.....


I find out that my friend used copper in his tank about 1 yr ago and more than likely it leached in the rock. I have returned the rock and am looking to purchase new rock. Hopefully this week I will have some new stuff in there.
I have added the second powerhead also


Bummer. Is that the rock you took pictures of? Why put copper in the tank? Is it harmful to most reef tanks? Good luck. Did you do a copper test on your water to see if there was any in your tank? Have any updated pics?


Originally Posted by oceangrl11
Bummer. Is that the rock you took pictures of? Why put copper in the tank? Is it harmful to most reef tanks? Good luck. Did you do a copper test on your water to see if there was any in your tank? Have any updated pics?
Yes its a bummer that he used copper over a year ago. I just dont want to take a chance with it leaching copper into my tank. Once you have copper in your tank its very hard to get out. You can't keep inverts and your LR and LS will die from copper. The reason he used copper is because his fish were sick and he thought they had ick. Copper is a treatment for this disease.
I have tested my tank and its fine. I bought a crappy test kit and it showed positive for copper but I brought a sample to my LFS and he tested it and it was fine. I will be getting NEW LR fully cured this week from my LFS. The pieces are huge about 20 lbs a piece. I can't wait to post pictures for you guys.
Give me a couple days at the most and you will see some nice Rock


Originally Posted by DSkidmore
I'm so jealous. My stand design wasn't planned so well, and is taking forever. It will be excedingly sturdy, but perhaps not worth the extra money/effort.
Got any pics - I'm sure it will turn out just fine. But hey now you can say you build it. Thats something to be proud of.


Active Member
Originally Posted by nluchau
Got any pics - I'm sure it will turn out just fine. But hey now you can say you build it. Thats something to be proud of.
I've been taking picts, but I have a film camera, so it will be awhile before I can post them.


Originally Posted by DSkidmore
I've been taking picts, but I have a film camera, so it will be awhile before I can post them.
Can't wait to see em


Got my new LR today - I picked up 50 lbs of Fiji from my LFS. Let me know what you think. Also what are the orange things - I wanna say some type of featherduster. Got lots of em.
Thanks for looking



Just wanted to toss my 2 cents in on the whole stand thing since I just built one for a 135. The only thing I can say for those of you building stands for bigger tanks is, you want the 2x4s or 4x4s (over kill if you ask me) sitting right on the rails. The only way I can explane this is if you think of how a house is framed. You dont want the tank resting on screws you want it wood on wood.


Originally Posted by Beaver
Just wanted to toss my 2 cents in on the whole stand thing since I just built one for a 135. The only thing I can say for those of you building stands for bigger tanks is, you want the 2x4s or 4x4s (over kill if you ask me) sitting right on the rails. The only way I can explane this is if you think of how a house is framed. You dont want the tank resting on screws you want it wood on wood.

I agree with the overkill part because you can atleast sleep at night without having to keep asking yourself when's it gonna crash.


Day 2 after placing rock in tank. The water is clearing nice. I also found a cool hitchiker clam.
I found out those orange things are "calcareous tube worms"



Today I am seeing many cool amphipods and copepods in the rock scavenging around


Super neato :) Like your hitch-hikers. Glad there is not any copper in your tank. i need to get a good test kit b/c the one i have is not that great either :( Oh well, all in good time. Your LR looks awesome....i am glad everything is working out for you. How are your trites and trates doing? ttfn


Originally Posted by oceangrl11
Super neato :) Like your hitch-hikers. Glad there is not any copper in your tank. i need to get a good test kit b/c the one i have is not that great either :( Oh well, all in good time. Your LR looks awesome....i am glad everything is working out for you. How are your trites and trates doing? ttfn
Hey oceangrl11,
Thanks for the compliments. Ammonia is almost 0, Nitrites 0, Nitrates about 20, PH about 8.0 going to buffer it to 8.2.
I did seed the sand with a couple cups of LS from my 29 gallon. Maybe this helped the cycle quicker. I hope to add fish within the next 2 weeks
I can't wait to add my fish from my 29 gallon into this 75 gallon. My Yellow tang is about 3 inches and getting too big for the 29.


nluchau, if you will be adding anymore rocks [and i personaly think you should], shoot me an e-mail and i can give you a good website for base rock. really good pieces and really [$$$]>>>shhhhhhh.
i just ordered mine so im still waiting to see how it looks in real life but everyone who boght it are very pleased from what i heard.
tank looks great and you seem to be doing really well there.
btw which sand did you use? yardright or live sand???


Originally Posted by annanymous
oh, my email is annanymous at aol dot come
You have mail


In florida just laying everywhere. It looks like it was liverock at one time it has lots of shells in it. I have about 200 pounds I'm going to bleach and put in my tank. I can post a picture if anyone is interested.
Where do you get the sand at like lowes or something and what kind was it? Thought I would mix some sand so its not to much money.