75 gallon tank build!


Been a few days since I updated, it has been about a week since I added my clownfish, and they are doing great!
Tested parameters yesterday:
Nitrate less than 5
Ph: 8.4
I haven't had ammonia since I added my clownfish but I thought I did, here I bought a freshwater test kit, and the cards are different, I have the correct cards now, and I have had no ammonia, lol. I got suspicious of this yesterday when I checked my fresh saltwater and it said I had ammonia...so I started to look into it.
I did a 10 gallon water change yesterday.
Friday I received my Cuc and macro algae, I had a few hermits in my refuge, and they were destroying my macro...so this morning i fished them out with the net and put them in the display tank.
My fish seem very happy, and have been eating everday like they have never been fed in their life.


Its been a while since updated.
I had a loss, my one clownfish somehow got into my sump again, and the current pulled him against a baffle and he got wedge in between the egg crate and baffle some how, he didn't make it. I was sad when I found him in the morning :cry:
My QT is all set up, my remora skimmer is working well, and the QT is ready for some fish. I ordered 2 scissor tail dartfish, a peppermint shrimp and a new clownfish.
Should I quarantine the shrimp or can get go right into the tank. I'm going to quarantine the three fish for a month, and if all goes well the clownfish and the dartfish will get put in.
I have been very busy, and haven't gotten very far on my led build, hoping for some spare time so I can sit down and work on it.


Well-Known Member
Sorry for your loss.
I hope you can find some time to finish it. It will look pretty sweet when it's done.
You don't have to qt a shrimp, to my knowledge.


Active Member
Originally Posted by SnakeBlitz33 http:///t/389883/75-gallon-tank-build/240#post_3466023
Sorry for your loss.
I hope you can find some time to finish it. It will look pretty sweet when it's done.
You don't have to qt a shrimp, to my knowledge.
well the shrimp wont have ich but they can carry it into your aquarium if you dont Qt EVERYTHING there is no real point in Qting anything. because the diseases your trying to prevent from being introduced can be carried in by corals rocks snails shrimp crabs aka anything wet.


Well-Known Member

well the shrimp wont have ich but they can carry it into your aquarium if you dont Qt EVERYTHING there is no real point in Qting anything. because the diseases your trying to prevent from being introduced can be carried in by corals rocks snails shrimp crabs aka anything wet.
Then I say screw a quarantine and gamble. I always have. Win some and loose some. I treat fish after the fact.
I don't know how many aquarists that just start their tanks and cycle it a week to thirty days instead of letting the tank sit fallow for the actual 8 week + life cycle of ich.