75 gallon tank,Zebra moray eel, and filefish..... Ohio


Active Member
Hey guys, it looks like we are going to move perhaps, and whether we do or not, I have decided either way to break down my 75 gallon with a beautiful two foot long zebra moray eel and a filefish.
I have had the eel for about two years or less...hard to remember. They eat crustaceans, and mine has been living off of cocktail shrimp for a couple years.....loves it. I will provide pics as soon as possible, but he has no brown at all....pure black and white, and that's hard to find. I paid 80 dollars for him when I bought him, and would like the same even though he is much larger now......trust me, he's worth it.
The filefish is your basic common filefish, and will grow quite large although he is only about 5 inches long now........make an offer.
Of course I can't sell the 75 tank until the creatures are gone, but make an offer there as well, because the creatures will go to aquatic technologies, and they will definately be higher priced by him. At that point, the tank will be for sale.
This is just a tank......no stand, canopy, lights, etc.....tank.
Anyone interested in the whole deal....75 gallon tank, two over the back filters, the zebra moray, the filefish, a few rocks (poor lighting, so mostly dead rock), a decent powerhead and about 150 pounds of live sand......300 bucks.....will not ship....don't ask.
Children and adults alike have been amazed by this zebra moray, and never cease to be thrilled when I let them feed it. I simply need to let go of this tank . Zebra morays are the least likely to jump, and they have blunt teeth...very hardy in iffy water even, but I hope you would keep it clean. The 150 pounds of live sand alone is worth quite a bit.......it just has to go.


Active Member
Bonus......I decided a thirty gallon must go as well......300 bucks for both. The thirty gallon has sand, a few rcoks, and a cheap light. I will also throw in a five gallon bucket full of bioballs, and a 29 gallon sump tank modified from a regular tank, and all the thing that go with it to work with the bioballs.
That's now a 75 gallon tank with two over the back bio wheel filters and one decent powerhead, a zebra moray, a filefish, over 150 pounds of established live sand, a 30 gallon tank with standard lighting and an over the back filter plus a powerhead, a 29 gallon sump tank with overflow box, tubing, and all to make it work, roughly a five gallon bucket full of bioballs, and a few rocks that are not reef worthy really........for 300 bucks.
Also a brick that the eel loves to swim through.:(


Active Member
No stand.....just a 75 gallon tank. Zebra morays do NOT eat fish, they have blunt teeth to eat crustaceans. Sumps gone. I will sell the 75 gallon , with what I just calculated at roughly 138 pounds of established sand, two dual biowheel filters, a decent powerhead, the zebra moray, and his buddy the filefish for 200 bucks. I might have a deal going through.....I will let you know.


New Member
Sammy if you end up parting out your equip. I am interested in your tank I need a 75 so if you part it out we can work something out I live in north royalton.


New Member
Hi, Sammy!
I'm interested in the tank only, so if your deal doesn't go through, let me know!


Active Member
Everythings gone except some livesand......my brother and a friend just came by and took about 30 pounds of it.....b-worms, spionidae worms heavily, some cool flatworms (not the bad ones), and amphipods and copepods......so basically I have some livesand left to sell. I'll trade about a half of a 5 gallon bucket full for any frags.....of course higher end frags would get more. Thanks and sorry to those interested. Anyone that wants to kick start a sandbed in my area.......let me know......there are 0 pests in this sand. If you have a frag of anything I don't have.....I will fill a 5 gallon bucket half full.....pretty heavy although I didn't weigh it..........and it comes from two very seperate tanks so it has more life. No trouble throwing in free macro algae of several fast varieties for free. The tank is just sand and filters right now, and the tank has to go soon........so sand anyone? 25 cents a pound if you have nothing to offer.....still have roughly 100 pounds give or take.


Active Member
BTW, due to my lack of wish to ship and my urgency in getting rid of the eel......it now sits at Aquatic Technologies in Columbia Station......If you live around here......check him out......he was mine for quite awhile, and he is extremely beautiful. My dream was to let Bang Guy have him, but time is not on my side. I wish I could have known he would be in such care as Bang would provide........:(
I hope he still finds a good home.:)


Active Member
I no longer have anything for sale.....sorry, and thanks for any interest. I had to part it out, and use the LFS, so I barely got any money back from what I paid for it all.:( Just isn't much time.