75 Reef

I am new to these forums.But this looks like a pretty cool place to discuss salt water aquariums.I have 29 gallon set for about 6 months.But I just recenlty bought a 75 gallon.It will not be set up for about three moths.But I want to plan it out.It is going to be a reef.I would like to hear some suggestions for stocking it.My for sure fish I want to go in the 75,are 2 ocellaris clonwfish,and a sixline wrasse.Any suggestions will be appreciated


and welcome to saltwaterfish.com u could do some gobies like clown gobies and neon gobies. what are also pretty cool are the fire fish gobies especially the purple ones. u could also do like a kole tang i think im not sure but i think u can. mandarins are cool to but you need a lot of pods to support them. lawn mower blennys are cool to they look weird but have a lot of personality. u could try a coral beauty angel fish but they might nip at your coral so you would be taking a risk these are just some of my suggestions you can find these on this sight. but it's just really your personal preference. good luck
Thanks.I am so excited to start my 75 gallon.I was thing like a dwarf angel,like a bicolor.But I do not know if they are 100% reef safe,and I also read that some angels are hit and miss when it comes to reef safe.I was maybe thing a foxface,but I do not know if that would be to small of a tank for him.


Welcome to the boards! You might be ok with a fox face as long as you dont have a large stock list. Foxface can also be known to be coral pickers. I had one for awhile that was fine, but have read others on this board that did not have luck. Same with the dwarf angels, they can be hit or miss. Its great that you are planning everything out, that will certainly make everything go smoother for you. Go slow! Add fish slowly and you will have better luck, and cycle your tank for awhile, it will make it more stable! What do you have in your other tank right now? Will be transferring things over?
Originally Posted by janastasio
Welcome to the boards! You might be ok with a fox face as long as you dont have a large stock list. Foxface can also be known to be coral pickers. I had one for awhile that was fine, but have read others on this board that did not have luck. Same with the dwarf angels, they can be hit or miss. Its great that you are planning everything out, that will certainly make everything go smoother for you. Go slow! Add fish slowly and you will have better luck, and cycle your tank for awhile, it will make it more stable! What do you have in your other tank right now? Will be transferring things over?
Thanks.From my 29 gallon,I will be transfering just one ocellaris clownfish.For corals it is Blue Anthelia ,mushrooms,some zoas(red,green,and some cool green ones that have like blue stars in the middle),and 2 orange ricordea.Right now the 75 is empty.I plan on buying about 90-100 pounds of live rock,and about 40-60 pounds of live sand.Then I am going to let it cycle for about a month and a half,or whenever it is ready.
Originally Posted by janastasio
Sounds great, you will be already well on your way. What kind of lights and filtration will you be using?
The filteration is in the back of the tank.It has a place for the protien skimmer and bioballs in the back.Then gets returned through a powerhead.The top of the tank has what looks like an overflow box,it allows the water to go into the filteration system.I heard it can be a pain to access if you need to due work though.But I like how it hides everything with a blue backround.For lights I do not know yet.I want to due sps coral.So i was thinging about metal halides.I do not know what else though.I heard that T5s are cool,with the individual refelcted bulbs.I do not know to much about light.Due you have any suggestions?


If you get a fixture with individually reflected T5s you should be able to keep anything you want in the tank. I would look at the Nova Extreme Pro fixture or a Tek or Aquactinics fixture with at least 5 bulbs. Sounds like you have a decent plan for the new tank. I have a 75 also. It is a nice size tank to work with.
Originally Posted by cmaxwell39
If you get a fixture with individually reflected T5s you should be able to keep anything you want in the tank. I would look at the Nova Extreme Pro fixture or a Tek or Aquactinics fixture with at least 5 bulbs. Sounds like you have a decent plan for the new tank. I have a 75 also. It is a nice size tank to work with.
I wil take a look into those.What does your stocklist look like.


In my 75 I have 3 green chromis, a percula clownfish and a black and white percula clown and a foxface.
As far as inverts go I have snails (turbo and nass) and hermits (red and blue legged) Pepp shrimp and a coral banded shrimp. Many corals Here is a link to my most recent pics of my 75:
Originally Posted by cmaxwell39 http:///forum/post/2904965
In my 75 I have 3 green chromis, a percula clownfish and a black and white percula clown and a foxface.
As far as inverts go I have snails (turbo and nass) and hermits (red and blue legged) Pepp shrimp and a coral banded shrimp. Many corals Here is a link to my most recent pics of my 75:
Nice Tank.For fish what would you suggest for like a really deep blue colored fish,like a large angel blue.That is my dream fish,an emperor angel.But when I got like 180 gallon or larger.Or like a really red colored fish,but not a flame hawk or flame angel.


For a deep blue you may want to look at blue reef chromis. Most of the other blue fish that I can think of get large (blue tang, etc.). As far as a red fish maybe look at some of the fairy or flasher wrasses. There are a few that have a lot of red in them. I am sure there are others, but I can't think of them off the top of my head. HTH


Originally Posted by cmaxwell39
For a deep blue you may want to look at blue reef chromis. Most of the other blue fish that I can think of get large (blue tang, etc.). As far as a red fish maybe look at some of the fairy or flasher wrasses. There are a few that have a lot of red in them. I am sure there are others, but I can't think of them off the top of my head. HTH
Cool.Thanks.I really like the flame angel,but as most people say they are hit and miss.What if when I qt him.I put like a stalk of xenia,and some little zoa frags and see if he nips at them.lol.It porbably would not work,but do you think that might work.
Originally Posted by cmaxwell39
For a deep blue you may want to look at blue reef chromis. Most of the other blue fish that I can think of get large (blue tang, etc.). As far as a red fish maybe look at some of the fairy or flasher wrasses. There are a few that have a lot of red in them. I am sure there are others, but I can't think of them off the top of my head. HTH
Alright cool.Those wrasse are really nice.I like the mystery wrasse,those are really cool.but a little expensive.lol.What are some other cool reef safe fish that woull be nice for a reef.
What do you guys think about this stocklist
3 Green Chromis
2 Ocellaris clowns
1 Bicolor Angel
1 Yellow watchman goby
1 Solar Fairy Wrasse


I think that would work well. Just realize that the angel is going to be hit or miss when it comes to picking on your coral. I had an eibli that I really liked, but he decided that he liked zoas so he had to go. Others have had angels in their reefs and they never pick on a thing (I believe nycbob has a flame angel in his reef). Other than that I think it would be a great mix of fish in a 75.


Yes, with proper placement SPS will do just fine under that light.