75 to a 200 Please help!


Active Member
Originally Posted by Fishcake
As far as cannister's being a waste of money........Hogwash
They are Great for extra flow and a perfect place to run media such as carbon.
And carbon can save your a..
For a 200 g they are deffinately a waste of money. For extra flow buy powerheads. As for carbon... put it in the sump. Otherwise they are nitrate traps and offer nothing for your system being that you already have sufficient filtration.


Thanks for the info. My only reason for wanting to use a canister is that I am not real familiar with sumps, and just did not understand how a sump could filter better than a canister filter or 2.


They are not a waste of money
Putting carbon in the sump is "useless "water will move around it.
In a cannister.. water filters through it.
They only leach nutrients back into the tank if your a LAZY aquarist and don't change the media.
I say use it on your 200 gallon
I have always used them with great success


A canister is all I ran on my 75 gallon, and my water quality was always perfect. Just keep up on the maintanance. I think I will run both just to be safe. Technology has come a long way.


it will work just fine.
just keep up on the maintenance and regular water changes and all will be good.