750.gal also NEED IDEAS ALSO!!!!!!


Active Member
You have almost $5000 worth of stocklist alone, of which there are many, many, compatibility problems, but you're worried about having good light but not the expensive coral lights?

I apologize if I'm off, but something seems fishy...

salt life

Active Member
I apologize if I'm off, but something seems fishy...
Thank you for saying it for me, If you can afford all this, why did you start out with a 55g to begin with?
just to throw this in there. i would stray away from the copper banded butterflies. they are not very hardy and have a really really poor survival rate and like the other person said i wouldn't put those butterflies in with sharks aswell as not putting the puffers and the lions together. Dont buy because they all look cool.


I know I got alot of compatabilty problems I just got a list of fish I want and then I was going to narrow down to what I can get then get it once I got the aquarium. Oh and saltlife the reason I started with a 55 is so I could get experince with aquariums so if i start a 750 and it CRASHES!! I would lost ALOT!!!
but with a 55 woulden't have lost as much

salt life

Active Member
Originally Posted by LordLion
I know I got alot of compatabilty problems I just got a list of fish I want and then I was going to narrow down to what I can get then get it once I got the aquarium. Oh and saltlife the reason I started with a 55 is so I could get experince with aquariums so if i start a 750 and it CRASHES!! I would lost ALOT!!!
but with a 55 woulden't have lost as much


Active Member
I would definitely read the shark sticky at the top of the aggressive forum before you think about getting a nurse shark......really narrow it down to what you want instead of just random fish. Do you want agressive or community? If you start throwing random fish you are going to lose a lot of money.......well, maybe your mom is.........but I do hope that she realizes the wad of cash that you are really talking about here.....like $7000 for the tank alone???? Then you haven't even discussed filtration, lighting, the live rock that will run you about $5/pound at least.......maybe less you can get a deal.....you are talking about 400 pounds modestly.....and that is with a fish only tank.........it kind of boggles the mind honestly......really put some thought into this please....


Originally Posted by hlcroghan
I would definitely read the shark sticky at the top of the aggressive forum before you think about getting a nurse shark......really narrow it down to what you want instead of just random fish. Do you want agressive or community? If you start throwing random fish you are going to lose a lot of money.......well, maybe your mom is.........but I do hope that she realizes the wad of cash that you are really talking about here.....like $7000 for the tank alone???? Then you haven't even discussed filtration, lighting, the live rock that will run you about $5/pound at least.......maybe less you can get a deal.....you are talking about 400 pounds modestly.....and that is with a fish only tank.........it kind of boggles the mind honestly......really put some thought into this please....

+1, a tank this size is going to cost plenty of money, take it from me. Your going to need at least $10,000 to get started, and I mean at the very least. That's if you find a used tank that size for a good price. Mine was $5,800 and that's only because the guy finally decided to go down on his price, and not to many people have a 700+gallon tank for sale. The filtration is another part that you must consider, your going to need a very big skimmer (or two) for this. I spent $3,500 on just the skimmers for my tank. Plus all of the extra stuff you're gonna need like pumps, plumbing, sand, rock/decor, etc. I'm not trying to shy you away from this but if I would have known the exact amount I was going to spend on my tank, I probably wouldn't have gotten it. Over $14k and still climbing, and that's because I did it all myself and tried finding the best deals on everything. Either way, good luck and hope all goes well. We will help you along the way, it looks like you're really gonna need it.

eric b 125

okie dokie... well, i can't even fathom the amount of cheddar this is going to cost in set-up alone. nevertheless, that's cool that your mom supports your interests like this. i agree with pretty much everything that has been said. i enjoy the cleaning and puttzing around w/ my equipment. i'm thinking that a nurse shark is a bad idea. the tank youre saying youre getting is too small for a nurse shark. honestly i dont think any shark would be good for a beginner's system. give it some time, and when you have enough experience under your belt, you'll still have the tank and you can get a shark. what is your 'must have' fish that isn't a shark?

salt life

Active Member
Originally Posted by LordLion
If you can't answer without being aggresive to the question or answer then how about you find another website to be like that on
um ok dude, you can unpuff your chest now. how is saying right being aggressive? I didn't mean in like being a jerk, I said it like got it I understand. if you take things the wrong way and get deffensive, people will get deffensive back.


Active Member
Ummm... I really just want to leave this one alone, (if I was smart that's what I'd do). But...
I have seen this thread before... when a young person comes in here and speaks about some ridiculous system that mom's going to buy him. Usually the thread ends with something like, "Darnit... my dad freaked out about this even though my mom wanted to buy it for me. He said no but we'll see..."
$20K for the system, another $5K for livestock. Not to mention that your house will need structural reinforcements. And that it will become an unmovable fixture for the indefinite future. Did you know that the tank alone will likely weigh about 800 lbs empty. My guess is that your mom was either just telling you what you wanted to hear without really thinking about it or this claim is a wild exaggeration of an overactive imagination. Either way, I don't think any parent is silly enough to grant such a request. In short, I just don't buy it.
And BTW, I think it's great when young people participate on the boards, but they shouldn't really be thinking about large systems even if it was possible. In all likelihood, you are in your teens and will be moving out of the house by the time you're 20 or so. Large systems are not designed to be temporary. Give it some time, you'll get older and make some money. If you are still into this hobby in 10 or 15 years, the time will come for you to invest in a large system. Good luck.

salt life

Active Member
Originally Posted by crimzy
Ummm... I really just want to leave this one along, (if I was smart that's what I'd do). But...
I have seen this thread before... when a young person comes in here and speaks about some ridiculous system that mom's going to buy him. Usually the thread ends with something like, "Darnit... my dad freaked out about this even though my mom wanted to buy it for me. He said no but we'll see..."
$20K for the system, another $5K for livestock. Not to mention that your house will need structural reinforcements. And that it will become an unmovable fixture for the indefinite future. Did you know that the tank alone will likely weigh about 800 lbs empty. My guess is that your mom was either just telling you what you wanted to hear without really thinking about it or this claim is a wild exaggeration of an overactive imagination. Either way, I don't think any parent is silly enough to grant such a request. In short, I just don't buy it.
And BTW, I think it's great when young people participate on the boards, but they shouldn't really be thinking about large systems even if it was possible. In all likelihood, you are in your teens and will be moving out of the house by the time you're 20 or so. Large systems are not designed to be temporary. Give it some time, you'll get older and make some money. If you are still into this hobby in 10 or 15 years, the time will come for you to invest in a large system. Good luck.

I agree 100% with crimzy. besides you being a little punk and calling me out on everything I say in every thread, I think your full of it. but good luck with it anyway

coral keeper

Active Member
I counted 50 fish in your stock list.... lmao 750 gallons divided by 50 gallons = 15 gallons per fish I don't buy it either that your going to get this huge tank unless your mom is really rich.


I'm brand new to these boards and been doing(trying) saltwater for less then 2 months.. But hey.. anyone here know what a troll is?
Cause dude, The only thing your tank is missing is a troll, That would make it perfect...
Then the troll, the nurse shark, the green moray eel and all those pretty Angels can all be buddies, good old chums.. And by chums, I mean chum.. Cause That's what Every other fish in that tank would turn into.. chum.. like the kind you use to fish for sharks...
In all honesty though, If you are serious and somehow your parents really would throw down on that.. Will they adopt me?


Originally Posted by LordLion
I know I got alot of compatabilty problems I just got a list of fish I want and then I was going to narrow down to what I can get then get it once I got the aquarium. Oh and saltlife the reason I started with a 55 is so I could get experince with aquariums so if i start a 750 and it CRASHES!! I would lost ALOT!!!
but with a 55 woulden't have lost as much
You can't even compare a 55g and a 750g. The experiance it takes to operate the 2 different tanks are on a whole different scale. Go with a 180g. Or, go back to playing playstation and leave the 750g for the big boys. Or should I say the old, bored, and married. LOL

salt life

Active Member
Originally Posted by makoshrk2
You can't even compare a 55g and a 750g. The experiance it takes to operate the 2 different tanks are on a whole different scale. Go with a 180g. Or, go back to playing playstation and leave the 750g for the big boys. Or should I say the old, bored, and married. LOL
He can't even post to back it up, only to say something someone who doesn't know anything about the hobby would say and state the obvious about compatibility problems. If he is being legit then my bad but if not then why waste our time.


Originally Posted by crimzy
Ummm... I really just want to leave this one alone, (if I was smart that's what I'd do). But...
I have seen this thread before... when a young person comes in here and speaks about some ridiculous system that mom's going to buy him. Usually the thread ends with something like, "Darnit... my dad freaked out about this even though my mom wanted to buy it for me. He said no but we'll see..."
$20K for the system, another $5K for livestock. Not to mention that your house will need structural reinforcements. And that it will become an unmovable fixture for the indefinite future. Did you know that the tank alone will likely weigh about 800 lbs empty. My guess is that your mom was either just telling you what you wanted to hear without really thinking about it or this claim is a wild exaggeration of an overactive imagination. Either way, I don't think any parent is silly enough to grant such a request. In short, I just don't buy it.
And BTW, I think it's great when young people participate on the boards, but they shouldn't really be thinking about large systems even if it was possible. In all likelihood, you are in your teens and will be moving out of the house by the time you're 20 or so. Large systems are not designed to be temporary. Give it some time, you'll get older and make some money. If you are still into this hobby in 10 or 15 years, the time will come for you to invest in a large system. Good luck.
yup yup...ill be able to afford a house payment shortly and i'm only 18 and had thoughts of my 125. ill prob be staying home several yrs to accumulate a down payment. so i can help my dad and teach him how to maintain the 240-300 gal in wall tank were building. and idk whats going to happen once i move out. probably going to stash a good amount to build a large system/maintain it for a good amount of time.