75G SPS tank diary


Active Member
Just about broke my neck getting everything installed, kinda excited
I've been taking it very slow and steady
Now I want to see it up and running
Just checked, even have polyp extension of the new corals.....Even had to let my boxers give it the "sniff of approval"



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how many inches high is your canopy? from where the tank starts to the top, if that makes any sense?


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Canopy is about 9" high, lights sit about 7" above waterline. One small problem, these lights are so blasted bright that I got the "evil eye" when the other half came home. blah blah blah, how can I watch TV with those lights on, etc....


Active Member
ive got the same light, its over my 30 gallon. i just got a 110 gallon with a canopy thats just about the same size and i was thinking of putting two of the lights under it like how you did. did you just drill a screw from the top of the canopy into the pendant?


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LOL....OMG......The lights on this tank are so obnoxious, I was just told, Get rid of it, move it, do whatever, but it can't stay there, because it's in the family room and blinding everyone......I just got the Ok to move the tank to another room (FL) I really started whinning and complaining, I went with a 48" tank due to size of this opening, man I was mad because I wanted the 125g 72" tank.
Now I get the 72" tank, because I said that I was not going to move the tank....PERIOD... unless I could have the 125g.....and I won......in a way this kinda blows, but I figure I have a month or two to get the other tank ordered and setup......Hey, I think i'm going to hold out for the 180 or 240.....haha this is too funny


love your frags...I know you can not post other vendors on his site but could you give me a name to google.


Active Member
to be honest i was mostly just going through the thread and looking at the pics..do you have two different tanks? i noticed one was brown and the one black...looking good...


Active Member
Multiple tanks, the black sps tank may very well be torn down even before I have it totally setup. We've had a revolt in the home, lines have been drawn in the sand and looks like a war is on the horizon...LOL...just kidding...But it is somewhat serious as the lighting on the tank is really annoying as it's very close to the family room sectional and kinda blinds you when your watching TV...I may just turn the black one into a fowlr tank or a species tank with seahorses etc...Looks like I'm going to be looking into a 180 or 240 and set itup in the front living room. All I'll have to do is get a new MRC skimmer and add another pendant to the lights I just purchased and move all the equipment over to the new, larger system
I've been accused of knowing that this would happen and that I planned it all along... :thinking: As much as I would love to take credit for such a devious and effective plan, I can't. But I do like the potential outcome.
Now all I have to do is make the new 180 or 240 SO ANNOYING that we have to build a new addition


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It's offical, I can get the bigger tank

Anyone want to buy a 75gsetup? LOL
My options are Oceanic 155 Bowfront or All-Glass 210. I like both, the bowfronts are just cool looking, but the volume of the 210 is more desirable and the area underneath the tank is more usable...Decisions, decisions :thinking:


Active Member
Nope, private source...The docs prices on their frags is really high. Sorry guys, out of respect for the owners of this site, I don't post links of my sources.


Active Member
Ok, were back to keeping the 75g. Priced out an Oceanic Starfire tank and Stand and about had a heart attack, If were going to spend that kinda money we've decided to go ahead and teardown a wall and reconfigure the formal living room (which we never use and it's a waste of space). Because I had to reduce the size of my fuge, I went ahead and ordered the CPR HOB fuge, it pretty good sized, about 4.5 gallons


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Just imagine this, with the totally lame excuses that I'm using to weasil my way into a larger system, think of what the other half is plotting to get even....I'm really scared...


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Originally Posted by maxalmon
Just imagine this, with the totally lame excuses that I'm using to weasil my way into a larger system, think of what the other half is plotting to get even....I'm really scared...
you're a dead man. why do you think you're getting a bigger tank? to be burried in...