8 Gal Biocube

gill again68

Active Member
So this will be my attempt at a nano. I will be moving very slow here and I am going to be testing my self made LR here. Anyway a couple of pictures of the beginnings.


gill again68

Active Member
The greyish colored rock is homemade. I used portland cement, oyster shell, rock salt. If you look on youtube for Eds video, he gives a good recipe for it. I made 2 batches and this is the second batch.

gill again68

Active Member
Originally Posted by meowzer
Don't you have enough to do

This is an obvious answer YES! But I cant help myself.
Jess, its very easy to make. If I had more confidence that the cement wouldn't have contaminated my tank I would have used it as base rock. Now that I have more confidence I will most likely use this stuff in my fuge as well as any future projects.


Active Member
What kind of powerhead or wavemaker is that you have in the tank? I'm seein those a lot these days.. Don't remember seeing them before I left the hobby a while ago.

gill again68

Active Member
So an update on the nano. I have put a couple of mushrooms in it and I am still waiting for my homemade rock to get more algae on it. Oh yeah and while sitting next to it this morning it burst into flames. Thats right one of the electrical cords just shot up in smoke. Haven't done the full investigation yet but I will post again when I know more. I guess this little experiment may be done for a while. Glad I was home when it went off. House stinks now.

gill again68

Active Member
Well I have started the old 8 gal back up. Actually it has been up for a while now. I finally broke down and bought a new light for it. I got a retrofit 2 x 32 watt. You think 9 watts a gallon is going to get it done?? I want to put a clam in it. Anyway we will see how it goes. May hook a 10 gal to it for a sump / fuge. Who knows. I really just need more to do. I am going to frag some of my corals and put them in this tank. I want to do some zoos <----meowzer loves it when you call them that, I think we should all try to do that to make her happy. I got some mushrooms and GSP as well. Anyway when the light gets here I will post a pic of it. For now its water in a tank with some very dull shrooms.


Active Member
The homerock looks great! I am starting a 5 gallon right now for my son. How long does it take to make the DIY rock, and how long before you put it in the tenk. I guess i should read up about it.

gill again68

Active Member
Well I cooked / cured mine for weeks. Really all you need is a steady PH then you could add it. Change the water daily. Would be nice to have a barrel with a valve on the bottom for easy water changes. Easy to make. Check out Eds Youtube video of homemade LR. Thats where I started or was where I ended up getting my mix from. I think the next batch I make I am going to put some rods / dowels through the mix to make larger holes for crabs and such. If you look at LR you will notice 1" to 1/2" holes, thats about the only thing missing from my rocks that I wish it had. Good Luck and let us see how its going.


Active Member
Thanks Gill again, I am going to give the rock a try. I set up my (son's) 5 gallon nano i will post some pictures later.

gill again68

Active Member
Not yet, I am waiting on my lights to come in. Then Im going to frag some stuff from my aquarium and then pics. Thanks for coming back with some excitement.

gill again68

Active Member
OK so I have been missing for a few days. Sorry. Got caught up in the world. So here are the latest in the 8 Gal nano. I have some really nice hair algae growing and I got 2 fish for the tank. Plus you will see some frags from the 90 gal that I am putting in the tank. The 2 fish are a 6 line Wrasse and a Spot Tail Blenny. Hope you like them. The Wrasse wont sit still so best pic I got so far.