9/11... what were you doing?


Active Member
was in band class that was almost over i think as our teacher came and told us a plan hit the pentagon,etc...watched it throughout the school day...hard to think it was so long ago already.


Active Member
I was working for GE Capital Fleet Services in MN at the time just getting ready to sign on when one of my friends at work came in and goes a plane flew into one of the Twin Towers in NYC. I went to MSNBC since GE owns them we had a dedicated feed and pulled up a live feed and we saw the fires my boss goes anyone else have this they were like NO I was told stay off the phones however you are being paid to be our newsman until we find out WTF is going on. Then I screamed out the second tower just got got hit by looked like a 767 sorry I am a plne nut and can tell the differance in them.
My boss then came back over and look at my screen and then went to the COO of NA operations and brought her into the room to see what had just happened she was like my brother works there. He turned out to be fine she found out later I kept watching and then heard that the Pentagon got hit and told the room that. needless to say my day was screwed up and very stressful. I think I went home that night and had a triple shot of Jack to calm me down. Turns out I was the only one in the buliding that day that had the streaming video working and was the only source as to what was happening that day.


Active Member
Had just gotten into work when someone came in and said they heard on the radio that a plane had hit. Everyone in my office piled into the lunch room where we had a TV going with the news. I watched for a few minutes then left to go over to my parents house to continue following the news. The second plane hit while I was in the car on the way there. My sister called me when I was in the car. My brother in law was working for the Federal Reserve Bank in NYC at the time and his office window was facing the towers. He saw the whole thing happen and then his building went on lockdown (its pretty much a fortress) and he was forced to stay there over night because the did not open the building back up till the next day.
I had been in 1 World Trade a week before on a sales presentation. The company I was visiting was somewhere on floor 50 something so I was a little freaked out about the whole thing. I didnt find out until 2 weeks later that all the people that I was there to see actually got out, but the company that they worked for no longer exists.


Active Member
I was at work. A collegue told us that an airplane had hit one of the WTC towers. I turned it on and watched it. Few minutes later I saw the second one hit the other tower. Right then and there I knew Osama Bin laden had something to do with it. I kept tabs throughout the day when one hit the Pentagon and the last one crashed in a PA. field. This is a day I will never forget.


Active Member
I was still in the Marine Corps and scheduled to deploy on Sept 19th. I was at work that day doing work as normal until that happened. We did not have a TV in our office but we had a radio so we all sat around listing to it until our CO called a formation and explained what had happened and what needed to be done. We all then worked about 30+ straight hours to get all of aircraft up and ready to go to NY to provide humanitarian support. Our mission to go to NY was canceled and we then proceeded to deploy on Sept 19th as scheduled however our destination had now been changed to Afghanistan.


Active Member
I was in transit at work, I didnt have my radio on so I was truely oblivious. I walked into my office saw the TV on in the confrence room with some of the staff in there. I watched the 2nd plane hit the tower live, but at that point I still had no idea what I was seeing. I thought it was fake, or a simulation, movie etc... then it all hit me at once, this was an attack on us, I was stunned, shocked and couldnt stop watching TV all day.


Active Member
I was getting ready for school my fish year in college. And went to school. Our baseball coach was particularly ticked off. So he ran us into the ground as if he were running the arabs who flew the airplane. Needless to say after stuffing my face. I passed out.


Active Member
I was a sophomore in highschool and My dad told me what had happened when I woke up.
I remember all the malls being closed and every school in San Francisco out because they were afraid of an attack in or around San Francisco. There was also a lot of talk about the golden gate bridge being a major target....... I was scared!


Well-Known Member
I was at my desk when my technician came in and told me that a plane had hit the WTC . I looked out of my window and there it was. I was busy the rest of the day watching the buildings fall and dealing with 20,000 students on campus. One of worst days of my life, until 9/12 when I helped inventory cars at the railroad station that had not been picked up the night before, and never would be.


Active Member
I was at home getting ready to leave for a college marketing class... I had a few minutes and was watching the today show.... they showed the 1st plane crashing into the wtt. The anchors and everyone thought is was a small plane... Cesna or something like that... As they were broadcasting... I saw the 2nd plane live on tv... that's when the panic set in for the anchors... I was unsure whether or not to go to class.. I wanted to keep watching... I went because of a special assignment due... told the class because no one knew at that point... What a day that was... there was a scare that a plane was going to stike a Cleveland building... but that plane turned out to be the PA plane which was headed to W.H or Capital... Can you imagine if that plane had crashed into one of those buildings?


Active Member
i was in my fourth grade classroom when it happened. My principal came over the intercom and told us that a plane had just struck the first tower. My teacher got really quiet and some of the kids were confused. But we all knew it was bad and when we got home my parents were just watching the tv. No one knew what to think.


Staff member
I was at work. One of the office assistants came into the office and announced that a plane had crashed into the WTC. It was thought to be an accident. I was told that it was playing on TV in our administration office, so I went down to see what happened. While watching, the 2nd plane hit the WTC and all watching knew at that time it was no accident. A fellow workmate said, "I bet it was Bin Ladin."
A bit later the Pentagon was hit.
Remember all the flags? Our housses, our cars? Even our clothes had them. America was draped in our flag and in our unity. And now, we are totally polarized.