9 years in the hobby--First aggressive fish.


Active Member
Went back to the LFS I got the dwarf from and looked at the other dwarfs...the other dwarf that I had wanted to purchase was dead........and in another dwarf's mouth! They were about the same size and one was eating the other...
May rethink the clownfish thing :)


Active Member
The dwarf has gotten really friendly (or maybe "hungry" is a better word). He comes to the front of the glass whenever I look at the tank. It's funny that he doesn't do it when my wife comes over.
He has really awesome looking blue eyes...with his redish color...maybe I should name him Superman...he does fly afterall...


Active Member
Originally Posted by Cranberry
I don't agree with the clownfish. I've seen fuzzies slurp them up.
Never underestimate the gut capacity of any Lion. I had the largest and fattest maroon female I'd ever seen and thought it it was Volitan proof. Cranberry said it wasn't. She was right. An adult Fuzzy will certainly scarf any thin fish half its size; maybe larger.


Active Member
Originally Posted by srfisher17
Never underestimate the gut capacity of any Lion. I had the largest and fattest maroon female I'd ever seen and thought it it was Volitan proof. Cranberry said it wasn't. She was right. An adult Fuzzy will certainly scarf any thin fish half its size; maybe larger.
No, I understand now since I saw it with my own eyes. I should have just trusted Cranberry since her experience with dwarf lionfishes dwarfs mine :)


Active Member
Originally Posted by Cranberry
Speg made a funny....
But if there's anything I've learned, for every thing we say can't be done.... rest assured, someone is out there doing it.
Yeah. I love threads that start "Has anyone ever.....?' Of course someone, somewhere has. (Briefly, anyway.)


Active Member
Originally Posted by IbanEz
And that someone in regards to aggressive fish is usually cranberry, saxman, or fmarini.
Very true; but they know the possible from the absurd. This thread is starting to remind me that I'd like lions, and most venomous fish, removed from the list of "aggressive" fish. most clownfish are more aggressive than most lions; which seldom bother anything they can't swallow whole. They are just well armed predators. Tangs are aggressive, and they carry knives!


Active Member
We try not to do anything we think may not end up well.... but with a lot of our fish we just don't know because there is no one to ask. But it's also why we have 13 tanks.... we watch the fish a long time and make sure they are full grown and THEN add them in if we think we can. Some fish have been in temporary homes for over a year O.O
I was thinking of putting together a tankmates guide like I did for another site, but the problem is the differences in size amongst species. If you get them small and grow them in your tank, they won't get as big. But then there are the specimens that show up at the LFS fully grown and some of those suckers can be amazingly large.
Lions are pretty docile. When they are trying to be the big man on campus, they sit on their company... not attack and be "mean".


In my 10 gallon, right now I just have a clown and a zebra lion baby. The clown is hosted by a clump of blue zoanthids which he lays in all the time, the zebra must think he is a clown because he now lays down there with the clown in the zoanthids. It is cute to see the two of them in the same little patch of zoas.
Cranberry, you and Greg do such a good job of helping others and teaching others, the hobby is better for having people like you who take on some of the more difficult species that are offered for sale and sharing your experiences to either help people either succeed with it, or avoid it. Even if some of your attempts end in failure, you use the experience to help the species and hobbyists.


They kinda remind me of a puppy dog x butterfly when they beg. Sometimes they learn to spit water at you to get noticed...


Active Member
Originally Posted by Cranberry
I love him Speg... he's beautiful. You found yourself a nice one.
Today I was moving some coral that was pretty deep in the tank and he came over and was literally inches away from me..he didn't try to be cautious of me at all and I didn't really feel in danger of his spines....was actually a very neat little experience to have him so close and curious..
I think he really likes me (he just wants more food)