
First of all those are not sailfins.....they are purple tangs ...and IMO I would not add another tang


Originally Posted by florida joe http:///forum/thread/383577/90-gal-done-today-new-coral#post_3355780
and different corals i dont want eaten
its not the corals its the fish you have to worry about
Originally Posted by meowzer
First of all those are not sailfins.....they are purple tangs ...and IMO I would not add another tang
wow really ... thay are purple SAILFIN tangs ... sorry sailfin is not enof for you to understand what im talking about when their is a picture to look at of them ....
i seen you post in other treads too i thout you were a little smarter than that i cant belive im even waisting my time with this
i love how both of you failed to see that i said i want a new fish but idk tho .. i was wanting another tang....
and both of you could only come up with NO TANG .. ok i get it
good job


Learn some manners before you post again.....
You said you really wanted another tang.....and it is being advised that you NOT get one
you said you want another fish, that is not very much info,......
SO get a coral beauty,


New Member
You say you have 2 Mandarins ?? Your live rock looks a little shy as far as the amount you have for them and you should wait till you have a good population of copepods or they will starve. You might consider ordering pods so they will have some to feed on too. IMO by just looking at what I see, if you do have pods living in and on your rock, 2 Mandarins will graze over that amount in no time.
Also, the lincka should have more surface area to feed on too.
You have a nice start and your toadstools and such appear to be happy and healthy. I'm no expert, and have set up 3 tanks in about 10 years. Use the opinions of the veterans on here. This forum is a great tool for new and old alike. Take the advice. The experiences of those on here could save you heartache in the long run and keep you from becoming discouraged from this addictive hobby !!


Active Member
Originally Posted by florida joe http:///forum/thread/383577/90-gal-done-today-new-coral#post_3355788
Plus 1
Originally Posted by meowzer
First of all those are not sailfins.....they are purple tangs ...and IMO I would not add another tang
again part of the reason I dislike talking about things in common names.
Sailfin is a body type, not a specific fish, of the Zebramosa sp.
His purple tang, Zebrasoma xanthurum, is indeed a sailfin.



Active Member
Originally Posted by spanko http:///forum/thread/383577/90-gal-done-today-new-coral#post_3356035
Originally Posted by florida joe http:///forum/thread/383577/90-gal-done-today-new-coral#post_3355788
Plus 1
Originally Posted by meowzer
First of all those are not sailfins.....they are purple tangs ...and IMO I would not add another tang
is indeed a sailfin.
again part of the reason I dislike talking about things in common names.
Sailfin is a body type, not a specific fish, of the Zebramosa sp.
His purple tang, Zebrasoma xanthurum, is indeed a sailfin.

Oh man Henry - If I had to remember all the scientific names I would be outa here!!! LOL

florida joe

Well-Known Member
Henry I will agree it is a body type when we refer to sailfin tangs. The Ctenochaetus classification of tangs also has the same body type but are not called as sailfin tangs. My kole and a Chevron for example are never called sailfin tangs.
Tristan Lougher an expert in saltwater fish does not refer to the purple tang as a sailfin in his book “a buyer’s guide to marine fish” but does for the Indian ocean,yellow,black,brown,and Pacific tangs that we see in the trade. So I guess “a rose by any other name……..)


Again their is a pic to accompany the phrase sailfin if your not sure which of the 4 fish in the pic is a sailfin ....? Sol 4 u ... my mandarins I had them for over a year they even mate... they are eating prepared food now ... so yhea I'm not worried about them .. as for my blue star ... when it gets a little warmer ill get him more surface area ..... but once again saltwaterfish completely avoids the question ..... so ill rephrase it .... what ,if any, fish can I add to my tank ? Their is a list of what I have at the top .... any suggestions


Originally Posted by bostonjoey http:///forum/thread/383577/90-gal-done-today-new-coral#post_3356229
Again their is a pic to accompany the phrase sailfin if your not sure which of the 4 fish in the pic is a sailfin ....? Sol 4 u ... my mandarins I had them for over a year they even mate... they are eating prepared food now ... so yhea I'm not worried about them .. as for my blue star ... when it gets a little warmer ill get him more surface area ..... but once again saltwaterfish completely avoids the question ..... so ill rephrase it .... what ,if any, fish can I add to my tank ? Their is a list of what I have at the top .... any suggestions
EXCUSE ME.....your question was not avoided......i asked you what you may be looking for and suggested a coral beauty
You have to have something in mind......this is your tank....NOT OURS...so we could help with suggestions, but will not stock your tank
a second clown would also be a good choice IMO....a firefish goby or 2.....the possibilities are endless


Active Member
If you want a tang, I would suggest a Kole, Ctenochaetus strigosus
Only because I love them and cannot have one.

florida joe

Well-Known Member
Henry my dear friend you can share mine Kole that is
but once again saltwaterfish completely avoids the question ..... so ill rephrase it .... what ,if any, fish can I add to my tank ? Their is a list of what I have at the top .... any suggestions
What the hell is wrong with you people answer the mans question he is waiting


From what I heard the kole is a shy fish ........ I am probably going to get a male clown .... I do like the idea of a coral beauty .... I think I'm going to stay away from any more goby s ... any other suggestions ?


Just make sure the new clown is smaller then the one you have
Do you have shrimp? If not a flame hawk is an amazingly beautiful fish too......LOL....I am looking in my tanks....haha....a striped blennie is neat, yellow coris wrasse, one spot foxface
OOPS...just saw you have 2 CBS.....so the flame hawk may not work


More than likely, the Lunar is going to turn into a big bully towards your other fish. One of my all time favorite fish that are never thought of, are Marine Bettas. They are peaceful, reef safe, and are awesome looking. If you get one, just make sure you have a place for it to hide.