90g Reef Ready diary


This is what I brought today

I'm getting a 90g Reef Ready and the stands some time today
t, I will post you guys on the entire process. I'm trying to do everything by the book this time, no more short cuts ...............Happy Birthday to me :)


They sent me the wrong stand with no tank

I will have to wait until Monday and go pick them up myself.
I didnt understand the instructions on the lights. Do I turn the blasts before or after i turn on the lights?


heck. I have a 90 gal. maybe your build will give me some ideas to improve my set up! I'm in for the long haul.


Here goes some pictures..........I picked up the tank and the stand today and I have to wait till 2morrow or so to get the rest of the stuff.

PS: I was so excited that I put the tank in the wrong way........now the trick is to find someone to help me lift this around :)


Sorry bro its the camera. I dont know how to change the time and the date on it and yes I play Soccer "Futball" almost everyday, you should try it.
So anyways, I'm thinking of using the SeaClone 100 for the protein skimmer, any suggestions? and does it really matter if I use fine sand or I will be ok with the more bigger grains.
And as far as live stock list goes......I don't have any :(


Another day of shopping and this what I got
Two boxes of live rock (50 pounds each)
Two boxes of live sand
One Rio Pump
RO Water Unit
Bucket of Oceanic Salt (200g)
One 50g Sump

Things that still need to buy:
Protein Skimmer
Two more power heads


I finally had sometime today so I placed the 50g sump underneath the stand (sliced my hand openn in the process) and connected the pipes in the overflow box. Added some water in the tank but now I'm kinda confussed........ do I add water to the sump before I fill the whole tank or do I fill the tank, let run down the sump and turn on the powerhead?



looking good! fish tanks are so much fun!!!
I would put a black or blue background on the back of the tank helps the color "pop"
might all so want to go with a bigger skimmer too not sure want the seaclone is rated up to but IMO I would get on that would handle a 150gal or more tank.
have fun with it...
oh can you post more pics of the LR you got!


Thanks, I just brought chetos for my sump to help with filtration. I'm trying to test for ammonia but I don't know whats going on.......the testing water turns completely white but none of the colors in the chart what should I do?


Tank is coming along great. Looks like a lot of brand new shiny stuff.


Everything is brand new except for the sump and yes I'm mixing it up good (its the third time I have tested and still the same)
The Test is a Reef Master Test Kit (API).