1) Stirring the sand in small amounts can be benificial, when I do water changes I turn about 1/16 of my sand to help feed my gorgonian and stir up sediment that may have settled. It does release some gasses but over all the effect is benifical in the set up I have this mey not be true for all set ups like a plenum or DSB, I have sloped bottom ranging from one inch to 9 inches I do not stir the deep end, and there are critters that will do the sand shifting for you such as nassarius snails and sand shifting crabs.
2)I dont know
3)IMO tap water is better because its at least dead from the clorine. But RO/DI water is among the best.
4) Bio whells do work, just like bioballs, but in my opinion there are better alternatives for filtration. One benefit is the high air to water contact can let high ammounts of ammonia off-gas as ammonia is very volatile in liquid form, leaving less ammonia to be broken down to nitrite then nitrate. ity also increases oxegenation of the water. I'm currently researching the myths and facts of bio-balls and wheels in marine aquaria for an article I am working on.
5) Not me.
6)I reccomend buying LR and toting it home in a bucket of water or swapping some pieces with a friend, you may just have a very low population, be aware that once introduced they will go through a population explosion stage due to the availability/abundance of things they need in the aquarium, then the population will decrease dramaticly then eventually stabilize at the sustainable level for your set up.
7) IMO clowns grow slow, it all depends on how bad the sting is just like us a small cut leaves almost no scar, and big cuts leave big scars, most of which tend to fade over time, some dissapear completly while some just get less noticeable without seeing the damage no one can truly say fo rsure but chances are it will get less noticable over time if not dissapear completly though this may take a while.
I hope any info here helps in some way, and please remember all statements above are just my opinions and expiriences, and are not intended to contradict anyone.