A Day Late.......


Active Member
the white "spots" in the second pic looks like they are just areas where the color hasnt begun to form


welcome to the site. you will learn so much here. when i started my tank 10 or 11 months ago i spent a few thousand bucks on usless junk and fish, then i found this site and i now have a thriving 125.
i know it will seem like you are buying things all over again becaus your LFS told you to buy something else but any time you ask the LFS a question keep in your mind they want your money. WE dont. It is a great hobby and look foward to seeing pics and read of your adventure good luck


Originally Posted by raymond2688
welcome to the site. you will learn so much here. when i started my tank 10 or 11 months ago i spent a few thousand bucks on usless junk and fish, then i found this site and i now have a thriving 125.
i know it will seem like you are buying things all over again becaus your LFS told you to buy something else but any time you ask the LFS a question keep in your mind they want your money. WE dont. It is a great hobby and look foward to seeing pics and read of your adventure good luck

Thanks so much!! i ordered the refractometer and picked up th API marine test kit. I truly appreciate all of the assistance!


PH is a little low....nitrate (n03)..is liveable for now....LOL
whats the sg???
Test the ph again in the a.m......I have read it varies morning and night


Originally Posted by meowzer
PH is a little low....nitrate (n03)..is liveable for now....LOL
whats the sg???
Test the ph again in the a.m......I have read it varies morning and night
SG is between 1.026-1.027 but this hydrometer seems as bout a useless as my background


Originally Posted by Brooksie
SG is between 1.026-1.027 but this hydrometer seems as bout a useless as my background
OOPS...I'm sorry...I just re-read where you ORDERED the refractometer

I wouldn't mess with it just yet...


Any recommendations on a good power head?? I have a fluval 205 which has 110 GPH flow rate but using the formula I should have a flow rate in the 500....Thanks!


Check into Koralias...
In my 29G I actually have 3 powerheads...a Koralia 1, Koralia 2, and some Rio 600


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by Brooksie
Any recommendations on a good power head?? I have a fluval 205 which has 110 GPH flow rate but using the formula I should have a flow rate in the 500....Thanks!

Welcome to the site, I was reading through your posts.
Koralia brand 100% they have a magnet to stay put.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Brooksie
Any recommendations on a good power head?? I have a fluval 205 which has 110 GPH flow rate but using the formula I should have a flow rate in the 500....Thanks!

how much are you looking to spend? there are some good choices out there. like mentioned above. I loved my koralias when I had my 210


Originally Posted by salt210
how much are you looking to spend? there are some good choices out there. like mentioned above. I loved my koralias when I had my 210
So is it better to get two small one or can I just pick up a koralias 2 or 3 and can you have too much flow.....I see the Koralias 3 is rated for 850 GPH