Originally Posted by
jcrim, you have my dream tank!!!
Can i see a full tank shot?
So you can have rays and sharks in the same tank? I wanted a blue spotted ray, but heard they're like the hardest to take care of. What other kinds of rays can you get in that setup, do you know?
Yes, a puffer is a big no no, as well as triggers. They'll most likely pick on the shark. I want to get 2 bamboo sharks, and maybe a ray. Always wanted a moorish idol, so i may do that too. I love the black sand!!! great contrast with the epaulette shark! Are there many different colors of sand? My LFS only sells white. I would love to do black, but i'm afraid the bamboo sharks will blend in too much!
I have also heard that blue spotted rays are very delicate... that caused me to shy away from them. But rays are all equally entertaining in a tank. You could try a yellow stingray, cortez or bullseye stingray. I think the yellows are the most readily available. :happyfish
The only sand colors I know of are white, black, and a mix between the two. I agree that a moorish idol (if healthy) would be great with these types of fish. Post when you get yours set up.
Here's a full tank pic... and some pics of the newest fish. My grouper is being a real a--hole to it.