A few question about setting up a fuge.


I am using a 10g as a fuge for my 55g. How do I figure out what kind of pump I need and how do I figure out how big of a over flow box I need and the drain hole? If somebody could please help me out with little problem. Thanks , Corey

bang guy

Hi Corey,
where is the 10 gallon going in relation to the display tank?
What are you going to use the refugium for?
Are you also going to have a sump? (recommended)


The fuge will be underneath the DT. I am going to use it to grow pods and to hold my greens. I am not going to be running a sump unless I can do both in the 10g, I am running out of space. I am not sure exactly what a sump is used for.

bang guy

A sump is a good place to use heaters, drip additives, set a pump, anything you want to hide but you want to be in the system.


Can I add these to the fuge? And does my over flow need to match the pump. Or does the pump need to have more gph?

bang guy

The overflow is the limiting factor. You can't allow the pump to flow more water than the overflow can handle, you can have the pump flow less though.


Bang Guy thanks for the help it is greatly appreciated. So if I get a Mag 5 then get a over flow that is aroung 600gph would that be ok. And doesthe diamater of the hose make a difference?

bang guy

I wish I knew more about fluid dynamics. I do not. I tend to just use PVC on the return that's the same size as the output from the pump.