A few questions about adding a refugium


Active Member
first off how do you pick the right size? I currently have a 210g with a wet/dry filter. I am thinking about just adding a separate tank. maybe a 10 to 20 gallon? do you guys think that would work? if so I was thinking of adding a small pump/ powerhead to pump water into and then one to pump water out of. and then of course a small light. how does this sound to you guys? the reason for such a small tank is space under my DT.

bang guy

Originally Posted by salt210
first off how do you pick the right size? I currently have a 210g with a wet/dry filter. I am thinking about just adding a separate tank. maybe a 10 to 20 gallon? do you guys think that would work? if so I was thinking of adding a small pump/ powerhead to pump water into and then one to pump water out of. and then of course a small light. how does this sound to you guys? the reason for such a small tank is space under my DT.
The bigger the better and a small one is better than none.
I recommend AGAINST using pumps to move water back & forth, eventually they will get out of sync and cause either a flood or a dry running pump or both.
Divert some of the water from the display overflow to the refugium. If the refugium and the sump are at the same level then use gravity (2 or more siphons) to move the water from the refugium to the sump.
If the refugium is higher than the sump then a built-in overflow works best but a regular box type overflow will also work.


Active Member
do you know where I could find some information on this? I understand what you mean but can't figure out how to accomplish it. and I was starting to think about a pump failure after starting the thread. my return from the DT to the sump is hose. the refugium and filter would be on the same level.


Active Member
I got home and I measured the available space inside my stand.the max that I have is 22x19.5x26.5. I was looking at some 20g online and they are 24in long.


Active Member
would I be better off using the space in the bottom of my wet/dry? add some lights and a small powerhead?


Active Member
If I take one of the hoses that feed the wet/dry and have it drain to the refuge, would this work? I believe that each overflow is rated at 600gph. how would I create the siphons. if there was a power outage would the siphons start back up on their own?

bang guy

Originally Posted by salt210
If I take one of the hoses that feed the wet/dry and have it drain to the refuge, would this work? I believe that each overflow is rated at 600gph. how would I create the siphons. if there was a power outage would the siphons start back up on their own?

Yes and Yes. I suggest a "Y" fitting with a valve to control how much water goes to the refugium still.
If the refugium and the sump are at the same level then any siphons connecting them will be unaffected by a power outage. I strongly suggest more than one siphon.


Active Member
ok. I almost have it. just a few more questions. I really appreciate the help. by siphon do you mean just a hose that connects the 2? this is the only type of siphon that I've heard of. if so what would keep the water siphoning from the fuge to not flood the sump? is this what the other siphon would be for?

bang guy

Originally Posted by salt210
ok. I almost have it. just a few more questions. I really appreciate the help. by siphon do you mean just a hose that connects the 2? this is the only type of siphon that I've heard of. if so what would keep the water siphoning from the fuge to not flood the sump? is this what the other siphon would be for?
Siphons take water from a higher level to a lower level only. In a power-out situation once the level in the refugium matches the level in the sump the siphoning will stop. This is why I asked if the two containers are at the same level. If one is higher than the other then you need a more complicated setup. As long as the tops of the containers are at the same level a siphon is all you need. I recommend two or more siphons because if one gets clogged by a snail or some algae or whatever, the other can keep the refugium from flooding until you notice it and clear it out.


what i did was get another tank, i got and acrylic tank and made sure it was higher than the sump. then I drilled a hole installed my bulkhead in the refuge higher than the sump and plumbed a return into the sump. I then used a seperate pump to feed the refuge, but if you spilt the return from your DT into the fuge it will do the same thing. Then once the water level reaches the bulk head in the fuge it will return back into the sump.

bang guy

Originally Posted by salt210
I got everything setup and the siphon doesn't start. ill try posting a pic
You could try to explain what you've done and what you expected to happen as far as the siphon goes.


Active Member
I split the hose off of one of the overflows to run to the fuge. I have 2 .5 to .75in hoses that connect the fuge to my sump. I turned the ball valve on the return hose on and the level in the fuge goes up but the siphon does not start

bang guy

Originally Posted by salt210
I split the hose off of one of the overflows to run to the fuge. I have 2 .5 to .75in hoses that connect the fuge to my sump. I turned the ball valve on the return hose on and the level in the fuge goes up but the siphon does not start

Did you fill the siphon tubing with water?


Active Member
I had one end of the hose in the water and tried to siphon it that way, but I will fill up the hose with water and see how it goes

bang guy

Originally Posted by salt210
I had one end of the hose in the water and tried to siphon it that way, but I will fill up the hose with water and see how it goes
Are you familiar with how siphons function? Once you get it started it should continue to flow. They don't start themselves though.
I have no idea what I looking at in the picture.


Active Member
well yesteraday I drilled the tank with success but today I went to plumbed it using pvc and crack tank destroyed. any hints for when I go to hook up the pvc on the next one so that I dont break it too?
heres a pic