A few questions about adding a refugium


Active Member
bang how would I go about using an overflow on this refugium? how much of a height difference would be needed between the 2(sump and refugium tank)? I was not having any luck with the siphon(my stupidity somewhere) and dont want to ruin another tank trying to drill it. would I be able to find a overflow kit for a tank that small? I appreciate all of the help and patience. I thought that I was going to have this thing up and running so I already have chaeto in my sump.
I do have a light that is on it but I know that the conditions arent exactly the right ones.

bang guy

Sorry I took so long to notice your question.
To be honest, if you're interested in DIY projects with refugiums and saltwater aquariums in general you MUST master the siphon :D
Overflow boxes are basically just an expensive siphon. Their benefit over just a regular siphon is that when the container they siphon from is higher than sump they will only siphon the water at the same rate that it's added to the container.
When the containers are both at the same level just a simple siphon is all that's needed.
If you could explain your picture I'm sure I could help you fix whatever problem you're having with your siphon.
At first glance it just looks like your siphon tubes are airline sized. They need to be much bigger, at minimum they should be garden hose sized and if I were setting it up I would probably use 1" tubing to create a pair of siphons.


Active Member
the hose was/is small. I would say about 1/2 and in inside diameter. do you think that could have been the reason I was having a hard time with the siphon? does the hose need to go to the bottom of the fuge and the sump? in the pick I was showing the height of the sump to the fuge.


Active Member
ok. I bought the tank and hoses on my way home. went with 1" as you suggested. still adding more water but wanted to make sure everything was good and it seems to be working as of now. The questions that I have right now are how should I go about stopping the chaeto from entering the hoses and is the air in the hose supposed to be there(is it how the siphon works)? and also does anyone have suggestions about placement for the light? it is the standard light that came with the original 10g that I bought.


bang guy

Air inside a siphon will slow it down. The more air, the slower the siphon until it just stops.
You need to remove the air. Stick the entire hose inside the refugium coiled sideways and remove all the air. Then stick your finger or thumb over one end of the tube to seal it and without breaking the seal put it in the sump. It may take a few tries before you get the hang of it.
Another way is to put an airline inside the hose so the end is in the middle of the tube and just suck all the air out with your mouth.
I see there's a power head in there too. You may be able to just put the nossle of the powerhead in the tube to blow out the air and then just remove the powerhead.
You can also buy a tank divider that will keep everything away from the siphon. Or, put something around the end of the siphon to keep the chaeto out like rocks or a plastic fruit basket.


Active Member
ok.im pug sitting at my mother in laws house this weekend so I hope it won't flood. it seemed to be acting right yesteraday tho just had air in it. I was thinking of wrapping the end of it in pantyhose. would they effect the siphon? I might just look into the dividers. is 80 gph enough flow or should I add another small powerhead to it?

bang guy

Originally Posted by salt210
ok.im pug sitting at my mother in laws house this weekend so I hope it won't flood. it seemed to be acting right yesteraday tho just had air in it. I was thinking of wrapping the end of it in pantyhose. would they effect the siphon? I might just look into the dividers. is 80 gph enough flow or should I add another small powerhead to it?
Pantyhose sounds like a bad idea. I think it would get clogged quickly and stop the siphon.
80 gph is fine for a 10 gallon refugium.


Active Member
thats what I was thinking would happen. I will look into the divider then. I think I know where I can get it. I did add more chaeto after the pic I just need to pic up some more rock for it. what do you think about the light?sould I just sit the light directly on top of the tank of leave it like it is? thanks for your help. I would have gotten very frusterated if it wasnt for your help


Active Member
ok. I just got home and the water level in the fuge had rose. I also bought a divider yesteraday to put in there.


Active Member
bang. ok. I got the air out of the hose. it seems that the water level in the fuge is going to stay about the same as in the sump. this is whats supposed to happen? also I got he divider in place and the chaeto seems to not be able to make it through it.

bang guy

Originally Posted by salt210
bang. ok. I got the air out of the hose. it seems that the water level in the fuge is going to stay about the same as in the sump. this is whats supposed to happen? also I got he divider in place and the chaeto seems to not be able to make it through it.

If the siphons are working perfectly then the water level in the refugium will be the same as the sump.

If you want the water level higher then place a container inside the sump so that the top of the container is just a little lower than the height you want to refugium water level to be. Then place the sump end of the siphons into this container.
Another way (the way I do it) is to take a small specimen container (the plastic boxes LFS use that hang on the side of the tank) and cut a corner out so that the water pours out at the level I want the refugium water level to be, then place the ends of the siphons into this container.


Active Member
ok. the level is good for now but once it gets going I might have to do that. Bang thanks for your help it is greatly appreciated


Active Member
bang. one final question. what would cause a lot of bubbles coming out of the hose delivering water to the refugium? is it the T used to split the flow from the overflow? and is it ok?


Active Member
bang. I got up this morning to leave for work and decided that I would look to see if everything was good and the level in the fuge had rose about a 1/2in and there was air in the hose again

bang guy

Sounds like the air is comming from the bubbles.
The bubbles may be cause by the water mixing with air on the way down from the display tank. You'll eventually have to fix this problem because it will eventually cause your siphons to stop.
Make sure the hose from the display is on the opposite side of the refugium to give the bubbles a chance to rise. You can also place another container into the refugium that this hose goes into. That will force the bubbles to the surface and keep them away from the siphon hoses.


Active Member
I got an idea from what you said above. currently the T split leans slightly downwards to one side and this is the side that the fuge hose is connected to. what if I swap the fuge hose and the sump hose positions?

bang guy

Originally Posted by salt210
I got an idea from what you said above. currently the T split leans slightly downwards to one side and this is the side that the fuge hose is connected to. what if I swap the fuge hose and the sump hose positions?
Hmmm, even if it helps I would try to deal with the bubbles in the refugium.