A Fish Named Nemo


Active Member
Originally Posted by Buffett
rofl yeah i did ^^
LOL. Such a good show. I can relate anything to it.


Didn't name any off of the movie - but a few have names -
Porc. Puffer - The NPS - short for the night poo stalker - he loves to cruise the tank after the lights go out.
Black & White striped damsels - Sam & Quinton - they look like little prisoners
Yellow Tang - Miss Priss - she is a brat -
SFL - Houdini - yep - he has tried to escape
Niger Trigger - Tim - he doest a great impression of Tim Allan...
None of the other fish have names - yet


My girlfriend insisted on naming one of my percs of a real clown name. So we now have her BOZO and me keeping with the clown them named my clown SPANKY.
I know falling into gf pressure sucks but it keeps her happy.


My 3 year old daughter named my seba clown nemo,actually shes named every thing in the tank,including the snails.


i dont name my fish either, but since my parents really dont know the names, i just go by the movie or give a brief discription. i was tempted though. but really, i dont name fish unless i buy from another reefer, then i just keep the name they gave it.


I personally do not name them but I do allow whoever I am dating at the time to name my fish.
Oscillaris Clownfish: Nemo
Yellow Watchman Goby: Memphis (where she was interning)
Current GF:
Coral Beauty: Sushi
Six Line Wrasse: Pinky
Coral Banded Shrimp: Alfredo


Actually, my current gf calls the clownfish Nemo 2 because of this funny story (my ex was not the sharpest pencil in the drawer):
I had gone away for the week with my ex and when we returned to my apartment she went over to the tank and says, "Where is Nemo? I don't see him."
The tank lights were off and I didn't really look so I say, "I am sure he is in there somewhere." I then look and realize that he really is missing and that my friend who was supposed to watch the tank hadn't done his job. Nemo had passed on to the big ocean in the sky. Being quick on my feet and knowing her intelligence level I immediately said, "Oh I bet he is just sleeping." Not knowing that fish don't take naps on the sand bed she said, Awwww.
Once she left, I ran to my LFS and got a new one and the ex was never the wiser even though Nemo 2 was noticably different in size and color. The current gf hates the ex so she calls the clownfish Nemo 2 to mock her.