A Fish Named Nemo


Active Member
Originally Posted by Kanicky
I love the movie but don't think I'd name any of my fish after the characters. We do have two true percs whose names are Betty and Norb after my late grandparents. My Papa loved fishtanks and had about ten of them down in their basement, where he spent a lot of time lovingly taking care of them, as well as breeding them.
Those are the only two fish we will name

Won't name his fish after Nemo, but his SWF call sign is Kanicky from Grease. "A hickie from Kanicky is like a hallmark card..."
Sorry I couldn't help but point that out.


Named some of the livestock, but none after the movie, and that's by design.
If someone does want to use the names from the movie, that's perfectly alright, but we figure if we're going to the effort to name a critter, avoid the obvious (To me, it's like naming your orange tabby Garfield, or your collie Lassie). We like to try to come up with something off-beat, less well-known or a little more creative and not the same name chosen by a bajillion others. No longer have any first-generation youngins in the house, but even even if we did, we'd probably still come up with something different.
Named specimens:
-- Skunk cleaner shrimp: Pepe'
Being a "Skunk" cleaner, named after the amorous polecat from the Warner Brothers cartoons, Pepe' LePew.
-- Lawnmower Blennie: Wily
His name came about from when we got him. He proved quite elusive and adroitly avoided capture for a couple of minutes, much to the frustration of the LFS-guy. I commented during the experience "Boy, he's a wily one, isn't he?"
-- Two clowns: Lucy and Desi
We figure they're a couple, they're clowns so they're funny, how about naming them for a funny couple?
-- Five chromis: no names as they're extremely difficult to tell apart from one another. Usually just refer to them as "The pigs" or "The pirahnas" due to their behavior come supper time.


When we got our tank, it already had the cast of Nemo in it. And since I have a day care in my house. The kids immediately named them off... so I have an entire movie cast swimming in my living room.


Originally Posted by azfishgal
Yes, we have a Marlin and Nemo in QT. And we will also have a Dori, Bubbles, Jaque, can't remember the Royal Gramma's name but he'll be in there too. I have an 8 year old and 4 year old, so it goes without saying.

His name is gurgle


We (my wife and I) have fought off the temptation of naming one after the fish on "Finding Nemo", but my wife did name our Maroon Clown "Omen" (which just happens to be nemo backwards, her reasoning "Nemo was orange"). lol
I keep my tank in my office and a customer used the name Nemo for my clowns. I would not have thought of it on my own. Now when ever I see one it's Nemo.....


Originally Posted by SigmaChris
Won't name his fish after Nemo, but his SWF call sign is Kanicky from Grease. "A hickie from Kanicky is like a hallmark card..."
Sorry I couldn't help but point that out.
Actually I'm a "she"

And Kanicky is because I'm Katie and my fiancee's name is Nick. Every once in a while he will post, so we figured Kanicky would encompass us both.
Naming fish after the characters on Nemo is cute, but over-done


Originally Posted by Kevin34
Did you name it that after the rooster Kramer got on Seinfeld?
rofl yeah i did ^^


Active Member
Very few of my fish have names and none are from the movie. I had them befor the movie came out...
Shouldn't this be in the ' Aquarium forum '?


Nope but I have named some of them
Blue Chromis - Spike he was the first one in the tank
Cleaner Shrimp - Stanley it just seemed to fit him
Peppermint Shrimp - Scampi I couldn't resist
Yellow Watchman Goby - Goby Dillis


Active Member
mmm im so stereotypical...
fireshrimp: jaque
unfortunately nemo isnt doing very well at all right now.. i think he has a combo of hlle, ich, and clownfish disease... dont know if hes going to make it


Active Member
Nope, I didn't name any of my fish after a movie character...
I have a pair of false percs... Cookie and Bozo
Royal gramma..................... Willie (Prince William to the commoners)
Sand perch.......................... Gary (mmmm, I don't know
) He was sold to me as a a red spot goby, but after researching, he's definitely a sand perch
Coral banded shrimp ............ Scampi
VERY large emerald ............. Godzilla
That's it. I didn't name my brittle star or any of my snails or hermits. I did have a bumblebee snail hitch hiker in my first tank that I named Speedy...he was cool, and very fast!!
Lisa :happyfish


Je prends une crevette appelée Jacques! And I also have a clownfish named Marlin. My girlfriend suggests the fish for my tank by their Nemo names, but I am bringing her into the light and she now knows them by their species name


Active Member
sure. my black and white stripe damsel is named "^$$#&#!" and the rest of my fish are named "nice fish 1, nice fish 2......"