question for you sps farmers.....what book do you use for iding? is there any one text that sticks out in your mind that is the bible of sps?
just curious!
Pierce if you are reading this --- FRAG me SOMETHING!
And bring it to Dave's. If you want to do a trade on some acrylic (I know it's not really a trade if you helped me collect it ), But I'll bring it up to Dave's house for you.
And Roland - How's it going?
Hey Steve, How's it going?
I'm using for identifying most of my corals. Although, there's so many species that are so closely related that it's difficult to get an exact ID without getting a microscope and looking at the corals tissue at 200x
OMG Grahm...i cnat beleive ive been in this hobby for so long and havent seen this site ever...its a godsend! i just id'ed my "super Rare Acro" that i got from a wholesaler in Bali last week as Acropora desalwiii! Thank YOu SO MUCH!
good luck