A Letter to My Clown.


Dear Clownfish,
It seems we have a slight misunderstanding regarding the accommodations currently being provided to you that I wish to address so that we may live together peacefully and with love.
You clown were one of my first fish as you remember when you arrived carefully packaged from SWF.com with your then closest buddy clown #2.
You clown, were then lovingly acclimated and released into a carefully, lovingly crafted, well cycled tank of some 90 gallons where you were feed all sorts of yummy goodness and where several months later, you were provided with a somewhat expensive RBT to play in. You then proceeded to take up residence in said RBT all the while harassing clown #2 who eventually sulked off into a corner to be on his own and died homeless and broken hearted.
You have since been relocated to much larger quarters totaling 220 gallons, given new tank mates, corals, and several thousands of dollars worth of filters, skimmers, chillers, heaters, and reactors so that you environment will remain as comfy as possible with minimal intervention from yours truly.
So I ask you my dear clown fish as i sit here this afternoon watching you swim around in what must be in the fish world a very nicely appointed condominium worth quite a few clams. Why do you bit my hand every time I need to do something in my tank? I am only improving the environment for your benefit and I highly resent your aggressive nature during these improvements to your environment.
Please get back to me as soon as possible because the Maroon clown that currently reside in the 90 you traded up from and whom does NOT bite my hand has indicated that he has seen you attack me from across the room and would be more than happy to trade places with your ungrateful little ass.
Kindest regards - Your landlord


Active Member
This is hilarious and I agree. Clowns are like humans, we think we own the earth even though we had nothing to do with its creation.


i need one of these for my yellow blenny. everything i put my hand in there he bites me.

shrimpy brains

Dear Windlasher,
I am very grateful for your loving, kindness and generosity in my care and housing. I was completly heartbroken to learn that you have confused my kisses of gratitude as acts of aggresion.
I will try very hard to be more gentle in the future. Please, don't put me back in that stinkin' little 90g, and I will try not to kill any more fish.
Your lovin' little clown!
(Think he bought it? LOL


Originally Posted by Shrimpy Brains
Dear Windlasher,
I am very grateful for your loving, kindness and generosity in my care and housing. I was completly heartbroken to learn that you have confused my kisses of gratitude as acts of aggresion.
I will try very hard to be more gentle in the future. Please, don't put me back in that stinkin' little 90g, and I will try not to kill any more fish.
Your lovin' little clown!
(Think he bought it? LOL
I came home and found a picture of the head of a dead clownfish in my bed. Hmmmm.

shrimpy brains

Originally Posted by windlasher
I came home and found a picture of the head of a dead clownfish in my bed. Hmmmm.
Ok, I interrogated the clown. He claims to be innocent and I believe him, But I am now trying to locate a Mr. Bubbletip. The clown seemed very uneasy when talking about him, but I did gather that the clown has been working for Mr. Bubbletip for some time and now owes him a favor.
My officers can't seem to find Mr. Bubbletip, but a background check has shown that he has an extensive record and seems to be very well connected in certian (criminal) circles.
I will keep you updated as the case develops.


Originally Posted by Shrimpy Brains
Ok, I interrogated the clown. He claims to be innocent and I believe him, But I am now trying to locate a Mr. Bubbletip. The clown seemed very uneasy when talking about him, but I did gather that the clown has been working for Mr. Bubbletip for some time and now owes him a favor.
My officers can't seem to find Mr. Bubbletip, but a background check has shown that he has an extensive record and seems to be very well connected in certian (criminal) circles.
I will keep you updated as the case develops.
You wont find Mr. Bubbletip. He split…
One moment there was one and then a few hours later there were two. He seemed to be in two places at once and I thought I was seeing double being hung over from the night before.
Then we moved house and they both disappeared. A few weeks later Mr. Bubbletip Jr. (or so he said) appeared. Being ½ the size I had to believe him. He says that knows nothing but Mr. Clown seems quite enamored with him for some reason.

shrimpy brains

Well, I guess we'll have to file it under cold case files. I talked to CSI about the case, but they don't have a budget for scuba gear.